A study on the link between irregular menstruation and premature death … Here are your details!


One study revealed that women with irregular periods are more likely to die at a young age.

Experts said the results show that women who have irregular periods should discuss the matter with a doctor, as this may indicate a more serious health condition.

Researchers from Harvard University reviewed data on 80,000 premenopausal women with an average age of 38 who reported long menstrual cycles over two decades.

The women were tracked for 24 years, during which nearly 2,000 women died. And the American researchers found that premature deaths – that is, before the age of 70 – were more common in women who had irregular periods.

Additionally, these women were significantly more likely to be overweight, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, or unwanted hair growth. The experts explained that this may be the result of hormonal imbalances and added that menstrual cycles are a good indicator of a woman’s general health.

After adjusting the results for age, weight and lifestyle, the study found that women who had irregular cycles during their ages between 29 and 47 were 70 percent more likely to die early.

Also, women who have exceeded 40 days between the start of each menstrual period face a much higher risk than women whose cycles last between 26 and 31 days.

The study, published in the British Medical Journal, said the additional risk was higher for deaths from heart disease.

In this context, the researchers noted that the hormonal imbalance associated with irregular menstruation can also cause other diseases, such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

