A step that puts Lebanon before the international community. Hezbollah obstructs training for work


A contract emerged in the course of the formation of the Lebanese government, after many positive atmospheres that appeared at the end of last week, and in addition to this contract the demand of Hezbollah by the Ministry of Public Works, which raised questions about the importance of this portfolio of services, after he assumed health care in and around the current interim government. To a party center, watchers say.

Like a Trojan Horse … Lebanese Hezbollah’s “Invisible Crown Army”

It is not an exaggeration to qualify them as an army, because of their regularity, number and extension, in addition to their commitment to the tasks entrusted to them and their rigor in their performance, they are closer to military performance than to the description that they are called “volunteers. “. “Hezbollah” invades the most prominent departments of the Lebanese Ministry of Health, without being controlled or monitored, taking advantage of the Crown crisis and the need of the Lebanese state for human and logistical support to face this pandemic.

According to several Lebanese newspapers, sources familiar with the formation of the government file agreed that the Ministry of Health of the Progressive Socialist Party, while the Shiite duo (Hezbollah and Amal Movement) clung to the Ministry of Finance.

In terms of justice, interior and defense, it corresponds to the Free Patriotic Movement and the President of the Republic, Michel Aoun, who are close allies of the party, in the face of popular demands that the Judicial Power hold officials and politicians responsible for their participation in the port incident and other corruption cases.

Variety far from the French initiative

The government formation process of Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri entered the naming market, and was obstructed here, demonstrating the party’s intentions to impose adequate training on its interests under penalty of obstruction, as it did recently with Mustafa. Adib, who refused to grant the Ministry of Finance to the Shiite couple, adhering to the French initiative stipulated by the government. Specialists assigned to her to save the country from the financial crisis.

An image of a media tour organized by Hezbollah at one of the sites

The Israeli map and the Hezbollah tour … the secret behind the “black blast door”

Following the end of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to the United Nations General Assembly, in which he revealed the “Hezbollah” weapons warehouses in the Jah area in southern Beirut, and the army spokesman Israeli Avichai Adrai spoke about other factories in the Lilaki neighborhood, and in the Choueifat area, also south of the capital, the General Secretary of the Lebanese militia, Hassan Nasrallah, was quick to deny the information and asked Lebanese media revealing one of the sites.

French President Emmanuel Macron, who visited Lebanon twice in less than a month after the big explosion at the port, stipulated that serious reforms would be undertaken in Lebanon to help it financially in a bid to end the difficult economic situation, while that the current government formation, if the leaks are correct, undermines the terms of the initiative. Everything.

Facilitate smuggling operations

Observers feared Hezbollah intended to profit from this service exchange, which facilitates smuggling operations through ports and the airport, without implicating any of its allies, especially after the US Treasury imposed sanctions. to the former Minister of Public Works, Yusef Fenianos, to “facilitate the party’s activities.” Note that you are affiliated with the “Marada” movement.

For his part, the professor of international law, Tariq Shindab, said in an interview with Al-Hurra that “granting any ministry to the Hezbollah militia will put the entire Lebanese government in the face of international hostility, especially if the Ministry of Works, of the that benefits financially, and the best proof of this is the establishment Washington imposed sanctions on Finianus for providing facilities to the militia. “

He added that “the works are a portfolio of services in which there is a lot of money and aid that can go to the party known for its corruption and the control of the saboteurs who follow it,” noting that “this step puts Lebanon in the face of the international community “.

Prospective commitments and security reasons

For her part, the writer and political analyst, Mona Fayyad, said in an interview with Al-Hurra, that “obligations are expected to rebuild the explosion in the port of Beirut, which will push the party to control this file through the Ministry of Public Works, as well as a security benefit that awaits you for taking this suitcase. ” Specifically “.

“Ministry within the Ministry of Health”

Fayyad stated that, “Hezbollah formed a ministry within a ministry during its assumption of the health portfolio, as it had the Corona virus file for people affiliated with it, in addition to the monopoly on the importation of disease screening tests ( PCR) and import of drugs that do not conform to international specifications from Iran at high prices to save it from its crisis. Financial. “

And he emphasized that “any ministry handed over to people in authority constitutes a threat to the country, since a government is needed that brings together independent specialists.”

Hegemony over the judiciary

Regarding President Michel Aoun’s demand for ministries, including justice, Fayyad noted that “Aoun’s appointment to the Ministry of Justice heralds more illegal appointments and placements, and discretionary decisions that serve his interests.”

Hezbollah controls it completely. The reasons for the impossibility of implementing the French initiative regarding the Beirut airport

The ruling parties in Lebanon seek to quickly form a government by agreement among themselves whose main task will be to raise what can be raised from the billions approved by the Cedar Conference to Aid Lebanon, which amount to about 11 billion dollars, which will guarantee, if fully achieved, a staggered advance that may not exceed one year. What economists say.

Shindab also asserted that “the Ministry of Justice is not supposed to be bound by politics, considering that the judiciary must be independent, and the Minister of Justice has no authority over the courts, but actually controls all the details, especially in the time of Michel Aoun, who placed public processes under the dictates of the ministry. It’s against the law and the constitution. “

He remarked that “the other judicial files must be independent, especially the financial files and the discriminatory prosecutor’s office, because the rampant corruption in the country requires an investigation with officials, which cannot happen in this case.”

“Without compromising health”

In turn, the political analyst, Ali Al-Amin, in an interview with Al-Hurra, expressed his lack of hope that a new government will end the economic crisis in the country, considering that Hezbollah will not abandon the Ministry of Health from which it easily You can benefit from the presence of several organizations and associations affiliated to it that can work on a file. Corona and others.

Al-Amin commented, through his account on the site “Twitter”, on the leaks of the formation of the government, saying that “the parties of authority in Lebanon do not care about the citizens.”
