A statement issued by Mr. Ralph Faisal’s agent: We call on the media to be careful and cautious when transmitting information.


Mr. Ralph Faisal’s lawyer explains that the latter was out of the country in business meetings and that he was summoned by the judicial authorities represented by the Public Finance Ministry to attend the interrogations on the issue of ships.

Believing that what is being propagated against him amounts to insanity and slander, Mr. Ralph Faysal came to Lebanon to appear before the official authorities.
However, it was clear to us that the interrogation sessions were accompanied by a deliberate and systematic media campaign by some media, not to mention that the prosecution was carried out on the basis of fabricated and produced recordings of predators with the intention of extortion. . .
We affirm that investigations and trials should not be conducted through the media, but through normal judicial procedures and procedures in a manner that guarantees the rights of all parties as stipulated by law.
Therefore, we ask the media to act with precision and caution when reporting information related to Mr. Ralph Faisal.
We also reserve the right to take all legal measures that we consider appropriate in this regard.

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