A special episode of “Lebanon TV”


“Beirut’s Shakeh” is an initiative launched shortly after the bombing of the port on August 4 last year, by academics, athletes and artists, with the aim of helping Beirut and bringing together all technical, environmental and health knowledge to build a healthy and solid society, in the absence of the state and its inaction in various vital sectors. The initiative launched by former basketball star Fadi Al-Khatib, in cooperation with Najat Saliba, a chemistry researcher and director of the Center for Nature Conservation at the American University of Beirut. They were soon joined by other volunteers from various fields of medicine, education, business administration, information technology and data analytics. . Everyone from their post is trying to help the people of Beirut overcome this tragedy and contribute to “building a better society.” The initiative did not stop in these sectors, but art became part of it. Thus, the actor Badi ‘Abu Shakra (photo) took on this aspect, which aims to help the neighborhoods affected by the explosion by presenting various artistic works that relieve the pain of the neighbors, whether they are small parties or artistic theater plays. To this end, “Lebanon TV” tonight airs a special drama-documentary episode titled “Khazat Beirut” (prepared and presented by Emad Bouhamad, directed by George Al-Haddad), which sheds more light on this initiative and presents their faces most prominent.

* Episode “Khadh Beirut” – tonight at 9:00 pm on “Lebanon TV”.

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