A southern municipality gives details of a long list of injured, most of them teachers and professors … and the Ministry of Education decides to suspend students from attending all public and private schools in the region


A statement issued by the municipality of Aldweir

In light of the developments related to the Corona virus in the locality, the Crisis Cell of the municipality of Dweir announces that, starting today, it will list the names of those whose results are positive, after the outbreak of contact within the same family, occurred today in connection with the infection of several teachers of the local schools. .
Therefore, those infected with the virus today, according to the results of laboratory tests, are:
Professor Ismail Hassan Kobeissi.
His wife is Professor Zainab Hussein Rammal.
– Professor Muhammad Abdul Karim Rammal.
Professor Wadad Sherif Rammal.
Professor Maryam Ali Rammal.
Mrs. Rosa Sherif Rammal.
– Mr. Ali Muhammad Homani.
Professor Naguib Hussein Rammal.
Professor Najah Ali Matar.
Military in the Lebanese Army.
Therefore, the persons in contact must inform the municipality and comply with the quarantine according to the instructions of the Ministry of Public Health.
She wishes a speedy recovery for all the injured.
Therefore, we emphasize in our people the need to adhere to the instructions issued by the Ministry of Public Health, when it comes to wearing a mask, social distancing and prevention of meetings of all kinds.

Thanks for your cooperation and reply.

It was then reported that, in coordination with Dweir Municipality, Nabatiyeh District, the Ministry of Education and Higher Education decided to complete distance learning without the presence of students in official and private educational institutions in Dweir Town, District of Nabatiyeh, until the night of Sunday, December 13, 2020. The directors of educational institutions regulate the attendance of administrative and educational bodies to educational institutions if they cannot follow distance education from their homes while taking all health measures .
