A “shocking study” on those who have recovered from the Corona virus


The new study undermines the “herd immunity” hypothesis that some experts have called for by allowing the spread of the Corona virus in the community and protecting the elderly and those with chronic illnesses to form community immunity as a step toward coexistence with the virus.

Last August, tests showed the return of the Corona virus to a Chinese man, whose name was not revealed, 4 months after he recovered from the Covid-19 infection caused by the virus, which raised doubts in the community of health about natural immunity to the virus.

In the same month, Chinese officials announced that an elderly woman from the Chinese province of Hubei was infected with the Corona virus for the second time in 6 months, according to the British newspaper “Daily Mail”.

In Israel, a doctor became infected with the coronavirus for the second time, raising questions about the development of antibodies in the body to strengthen the immune system against the disease.

Until recently, there were no scientifically proven cases of a person twice infected with the virus, as experts tended to blame inaccurate test results.

But the return of the disease to some of those who contracted it for the second time calls into question the idea of ​​natural protection against the disease, in addition to the fears of contagion that these people may transmit to others.

On October 12, the director general of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, warned against the spread of the new Corona virus in the hope of achieving so-called herd immunity, calling this issue “immoral.”

Tedros cautioned against calls in some countries to allow the spread of “Covid-19” until enough people acquire the immunity generally required to stem the outbreak.

And he considered that “herd immunity is a concept used for vaccines, through which people can protect themselves from a specific virus if the threshold required for vaccination is reached.”

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