A shocking number of “Corona” injuries in this region … and a warning!


The Corona Crisis Tracking Cell in the district of Zgharta warned, in a statement, that “the number of Coronavirus infections has reached the red line, since 152 new positive cases have been registered, raising the total number of cases active in the district (transmitting the infection) to about 740 active cases, and this is of great concern. ” The danger, especially “the number of beds designated for the treatment of Corona patients in northern hospitals has become very small and it has become difficult to find a bed for any patient.”

The new injuries were distributed during the last 24 hours, as follows:

Grade: 14

Ardeh: 15

Kfarhata: 1

Majdalaya: 9

Visit: 37

Rish’in: 2

Zgharta: 50

Eshash: 1

Kfardalaqus: 14

Basbal: 3

سرعل: 1


Kfarzina: 1

Kafryaşit: 1

The cell again reminded citizens: “It is imperative to comply with the health procedures followed, from the use of muzzles, to maintaining a safe distance between everyone, and avoiding any form of assembly under penalty of responsibility.”

He called on the owners of establishments, shops and citizens, in Zgharta Al-Zawiya, to demonstrate “conscience and responsibility, in these delicate and very difficult circumstances, and to adhere to the required procedures, provided that the relevant security services take the necessary steps. necessary legal measures and write control records against violators, especially in terms of not wearing a muzzle. “

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