A response from Bou Asi to the President of the Republic!


Deputy Pierre Bou Assi, a member of the Republican Power Block, responded in a tweet on his account via “Twitter” to the tweet of the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun.

He wrote: “His Excellency the President, you should have said that you are not a partner of the Lebanese state in preserving the independence of the nation, its sovereignty over its borders and its land, and freedom of decision, if you consider that the state that presides over is the state of the people. “

It is noteworthy that the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, responded to the words of the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Air Force on Saturday.

Aoun wrote in a tweet on his Twitter account: “The Lebanese have no partner to preserve the independence of their homeland, their sovereignty over their borders, their land and their freedom of choice.”

The commander of the Air Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Ali Hajizadeh, confirmed yesterday Saturday that “all the missile capabilities that Gaza and Lebanon possess have been supported by Iran, and are the first line of the confrontation.”

During an interview with Al-Manar TV, he said: “There is an intersection of fire in the sky of Israel, between Syria, Lebanon and Palestine”, and emphasized that “the Palestinians today possess the technology to make precision missiles.”
