A problem in a European country … a new strain behind Corona’s faster spread


She wrote, “Al-Arabiya”: At a time when the UK is trying to solve the emerging corona virus crisis and find mechanisms to distribute vaccines, a new strain of the epidemic has been discovered in the country, believed which is the cause of the rapid spread of the infection in south-east England, coinciding with the tightening of restrictions on millions of people in London.

In details, British Health Minister Matt Hancock indicated that cases of the new strain have been found in almost 60 regions, however, he highlighted that clinical advice indicates that this mutation is unlikely to respond to the vaccine, according to the Guardian newspaper.“.

In a briefing to the House of Commons on Monday, Hancock explained to representatives that in recent days, thanks to world-class ability in the field of genetics, authorities have identified a new type of Corona virus that it may be related to the more rapid spread in south-east England..

This came as the minister confirmed that the capital, as well as most of Essex and parts of Hertfordshire, will enter the third tier of restrictions from Wednesday after an increase in cases.

No evidence

For his part, Chris Witte, medical director in England, explained that there is no evidence that the new type of Corona virus that was identified in England causes worse or different symptoms..

He added that there are many strains. And it happens that this type has a number of mutations more than some other strains, and that is why we take the matter very seriously ”, according to“ Reuters ”.

He explained during a press conference that there is no indication that the symptoms are different for this strain, or that the testing process or clinical results are different..

new instructions

With this development, London and parts of Essex and Hertfordshire are expected to enter the third phase of closures, starting tomorrow Wednesday..

This step will mean the closure of thousands of cafes, bars and restaurants in and around the British capital, and only take away food orders will be allowed through home delivery.

Citizens will not be allowed to meet in homes, parks or public places, according to the procedural laws of the third phase..

Fans will also be banned from attending football matches again, after a certain number of them were allowed to attend the matches of the teams playing their matches in London..

It is noteworthy that the number of infections reached an average of 506 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the city, which is one of the highest infection rates since the virus outbreak.
