A policeman died in a new attack on the Capitol building in Washington – Politics – News


A police officer was killed and another injured outside the Capitol building in Washington, DC, the day before yesterday, about three months after his attack, after a car broke into a security checkpoint and its driver brandished a knife before police will shoot. President Joe Biden announced that he and First Lady Jill Biden were deeply saddened by the attack.

In detail, a person rammed the US Congress building with his car on Friday and a month with a knife, killing one policeman and wounding another, and forcing the authorities to close the Congress compound in one attack. which, according to the police, did not appear to have occurred yet. linked to terrorism.

Police responded by shooting the suspect and killing him.

Members of the National Guard deployed to the Capitol since January 6 rushed from the parliamentary office buildings near the building. Others took up positions near police checkpoints blocking the road.

Television footage showed a blue car colliding with a police barrier on the street.

A helicopter landed in a courtyard in front of the Capitol before bringing stretchers on board.

Several US media outlets identified the suspect as Noah Green, a 25-year-old black man. The media published his photo, as well as an image from his Facebook page, in which he expressed his sympathy for the leader of the “Nation of Islam”, Louis Farrakhan, known for his anti-Semitic statements.

Police said the suspect was unknown to them and the motive for his attack was not yet known.

Acting Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman told a news conference that the suspect hit police officers with his car, then exited with a knife and “started walking towards the Capitol police” and then ” shot him. “

Bateman said one of the two injured officers “died” from his injuries.

He also announced the “murder” of the suspect.

“With a heart full of pain, I announce that one of our policemen has died from his injuries,” he added in a trembling voice.

He said another policeman was injured.

Acting Metropolitan Police Chief Robert Conte said: “It does not appear to be related to terrorism, but we will certainly continue the investigation.”

US President Joe Biden said in a statement: “Jill and I were very sad when we learned of the violent attack on a security checkpoint in front of the US Capitol building,” and gave orders to fly flags. in the White House.

“We know how difficult times are for the Capitol, for all who work on it and for those who protect it,” the president added.

Vice President Kamala Harris praised the bravery of the elements “protecting the Capitol, especially at this difficult time.”

For her part, the president of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, ordered the waving of flags at half mast in honor of the murdered police officer. “Today, once again, these heroes risked their lives to protect the Capitol and our country, with the same dedication and willingness to serve that we witnessed on January 6,” he said in a statement.

“Once again, the brave Capitol Police have come under heavy attack in the course of their work,” said Senate Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

The accident occurred near a checkpoint on the side of the Senate, where its members enter while it is in session.

The police cordoned off several roads around the Congress headquarters “due to an external threat.”

“We are still shocked by what happened,” McConnell said on Twitter, thanking police.

Police raised the alert in the afternoon while maintaining a security cordon around the “crime” scene. Police said “the investigation is continuing.”

Members of Congress are on parliamentary recess this week, but some of their office staff, employees and journalists were present at the time of the incident.

The Capitol was under strict protection after it was attacked on January 6 by protesters supporting former President Donald Trump.

Some of the preventive barriers have recently been removed and the security perimeter around the headquarters has been reduced.

Several thousand supporters of Donald Trump stormed the headquarters of Congress on January 6, as its members advanced to back his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, in the presidential election.

Five people died in that attack, whose spontaneous nature has become increasingly questionable, and more than 300 people have so far been arrested for participating in it.

• Suspect hit Capitol Police with his car, then came out with a knife before police stopped him.

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