A peaceful warning movement titled The Day of Anger and Rejection on this 14


The president of the General Union of Workers, Bechara Al-Asmar, announced a “peaceful warning movement” under the title “Day of anger and rejection” on Wednesday the 14th of this year in all Lebanese lands.

Al-Asmar said, at a press conference held after the meeting of the Executive Council of the General Union of Workers, at the headquarters of the Union: “Raising subsidies for medicine will lead to the collapse of social security, guaranteeing institutions and the Ministry of Salud, and its first gestures raise the price of the dollar in the hospital bill from 1500 to 3950 where the patient will have A citizen will cover the difference in hospitalization between 1500 and 3950 LBP, that is, about two thirds of the bill, and if the guarantor institutions pay, they will go bankrupt. “

He added: “The elimination of fuel subsidies will lead to an increase in the prices of everything, from the price of transport to the price of the generator that will touch 700,000 LL 5 ampère. To the official electricity bill, and an increase in the prices of all consumer goods because everything depends on it. ” Petroleum derivatives “.

He emphasized that “lifting wheat subsidies will lead to raising all the prices of materials derived from flour”, referring to the “basket of foods that we do not see, since a breakdown in the market for basic materials such as eggs, poultry and other items. and a huge price increase that is priced at $ 10,000 to “. .to”.

He said: “Schools, universities, institutions and companies that depend on specific budgets will have to quadruple their operating budgets. What will the situation of the Lebanese University, the public school and the government hospitals be like? We will be in front of lines of people in front of ovens , gas stations and grocery stores. “

He asked: “Is it the solution for the ration card? We have not seen anything yet that suggests a card for the poor, and identifies the poor when all Lebanese have become poor. One card for all people. What What has he done with the Lebanese people? The country is run economically from behind the scenes of deep governments different from the governments we see. It controls everything, and today we see a trend to sell gold and state property, and I read an article that says the state is rich in its properties. Is there a tendency to sell state property?

And Al-Asmar continued: “There are those who say that the port of Beirut should be turned into tourist resorts and that their land is sold for that and moved elsewhere. That the railroad lands, Solidere lands, etc. will be sold. Thus we are facing a new scenario that eliminates everything and establishes a new phase of displacement that leads to Youth migration?

He asked: “What did they do with the depositors’ money, where did that money go when it became inalienable paperwork and is not responsible? Who is responsible for these wrong financial policies that led the country to bankruptcy? accountability? We have criminal scrutiny (bank secrecy). And hold accountable the corrupt and corrupt people who have plagued the state since independence until today, and who have destroyed the hope and dream among the youth and old age of the Lebanon: Who is responsible for being tried in court?

He said: “We are prosecuting the poor and holding them responsible for the collapse of their deposits in the bank in their savings in their possessions, don’t you see that the Lebanese can no longer travel and have become a great prison moaning of poverty, of misery, not being able to educate your children, either at home or abroad? ” Or buy your supplies?

Al-Asmar affirmed: “Who must bear is responsible for these wrong policies and for the great brokers and merchants who treat a people without mercy, without any sense of solidarity and social solidarity. Weren’t the educational buildings, health facilities harvested? and scientists? Al-Razih for a few more months, so that he can see some political balance and a government that takes care of the rationalization and leads to an acceptable economic balance that restores economic life to a minimum so that we can restore the balance that we lost.

He said: “Let us reevaluate wages and begin to establish a dignified life that we lost. Today we raise our voices to say:

1 – Yes to a parallel government with powers with a sense of inclusive patriotism capable of initiating reforms.

2- Do not confiscate the money of the depositors and reap their life and fatigue.

3- Do not eliminate subsidies.

4- Yes, for the protection of social security funds. And pay compensation at maturity at a price of 1500 LBP. Whoever wants.

5- Government hospitals (without salaries – without chain).

6- Official university and school training.

7 – Because the union is present in all the meetings that are held so that it can create a balanced situation, so that the rich and the leaders do not meet to decide the fate of the workers, the poor and those with absent kinship.

Al-Asmar concluded by saying: “Finally, and so that everything does not remain a dead letter, we will have a warning movement under the title“ Day of anger and rejection ”on Wednesday 10/14/2020 in the entire Lebanese territory, a peaceful day in which we will move forward under these demands, directions and minimal rights. A day of warning that paves the way for other actions to be announced at the same time. Details for this day will be announced next Tuesday. “

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