A new study on Corona remains in the air in these areas!


Once again, the hypothesis of the presence of the new corona virus and its transmission through the air has once again become apparent. In a recent study, researchers found that the new coronavirus appears to remain airborne in crowded places or rooms that lack ventilation, a result that supports the idea that Coffed 19, can be spread through fine airborne particles known as “aerosols”.

Experts at China’s Bohan Hospital have observed that parts of the virus’s genetic material float in the air from the hospital’s toilets, from an interior area that includes large crowds and rooms where medical personnel exchange equipment and crews.

However, the study did not confirm whether or not these airborne particles cause infections, so the ease with which the new virus can circulate in the air remains a controversial issue.
In turn, the World Health Organization said the risk is limited to specific circumstances, referring to an analysis of more than 75,000 cases in China, all of which did not reveal “aerial” transmission of the epidemic.
However, the rapid spread of the pandemic worldwide, and its affliction of almost 3 million people in months, is what makes experts search with all their might to know any details about the ways of transmission of the disease , and to understand and analyze it exactly.
The study indicated that people generally produce two types of drops when they breathe, cough, or speak, and it is possible for larger atoms to fall to the ground before evaporating, causing contamination by things that can stabilize on them.
“Spray traps”
While the smallest atoms can form air pollution if they remain for hours.
In turn, researchers at Wuhan University created so-called “aerosol traps” in and around two hospitals in Wuhan, the birthplace of the epidemic, and found few of the aerosols mentioned in patient rooms and in other places.
They also revealed more of them in the bathrooms and in two other areas where they had large crowds, including an interior space near a hospital.
Medical personnel removed protective equipment in the patient’s rooms, which also indicated that contaminated particles from the device had dispersed into the air after removing masks, gloves, and clothing.
To that end, the researchers noted that these results highlight the importance of ventilation, on the one hand, and the need to reduce overcrowding, on the other hand, to prevent the spread of the epidemic through the air.