A new muzzle to take on Corona … and a technique that solves the dilemma of getting rid of him


Scottish researchers have tackled a dilemma that has become prevalent in everyday life with the use of masks, so when should these protective masks be changed which go a long way towards preventing the transmission of the new coronavirus infection?

Insignia Technologies has developed in its laboratory in Motherwell, Glasgow, Scotland, a patch that is placed on a condom that changes color when it is used several times, thus reducing its effectiveness.

These stickers are based on “a series of smart dyes and ink types that change color with exposure to carbon dioxide,” an engineer from the company Graham Skinner told AFP.

“When the epidemic began to spread and there was confusion about the appropriate time to dump the masks, we decided to use this technology to develop a discolored patch that would be placed on a mask or medical shirt,” Skinner said.

The indicator lights up when the pad is applied to a protective device. It is yellow at first, then gradually turns blue after 4-6 hours, and the patch can be reused if the masks are multi-use.

And Ignazio Maria Viola, a physicist at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, highlights the importance of masks in limiting the spread of the virus, noting that there is room for innovation in the use of these protective masks.

He continued: “Research carried out since the beginning of the year showed that the virus is transmitted through droplets spread through the mouth, hence the importance of masks to stop the spread.”
He said: “We learned many lessons that we did not know 8 months ago.”

Researchers from the University of Edinburgh had concluded in August that a person without a muzzle at a distance of two meters from the last sneeze has a risk of contracting infested droplets ten thousand times higher than another who wears a mask standing at a distance of only 50 centimeters.
And Ignazio Maria Viola stressed that “wearing a mask could really make a difference.”
