A new 15-day deadline for TikTok in the United States


New York: The US administration has given the Chinese company that owns the TikTok application an additional 15 days to restructure its activities in the United States, temporarily removing the specter of a ban in this country.

According to a document issued by the Judiciary, published this Friday, that “ByteDance”, the parent company that owns the “TikTok” application, has until November 27 to reach an agreement to sell its assets, with US companies to leave aside from the espionage accusations for China, which were led by the Donald Trump administration.

The president of the United States signed a decree on August 14, which obliges BiteDance to sell its activities in the United States within 90 days because it represents a threat to the national security of the United States.

With the deadline expiring on Thursday, the government committee in charge of foreign investments granted an additional deadline on Thursday night for this very popular platform that has more than 100 million users in the United States alone.

The “Tik Tok” on Tuesday presented a request to a Washington court to prevent the decree from entering into force, and demanded a 30-day period.

And in late September, ByteDance and TikTok offered to establish a new company that includes the US IT group “Oracle” as a technology partner in the US and the giant group “Walmatt” as a business partner.

The project appears to be tailored to the US administration, but the company is still awaiting approval.

The new deadline was added to a decision issued by the Commerce Ministry on Thursday, which allowed the application to circumvent the provisions of another decree that also threatened the ban.

The ministry decided to respect a decision issued by the Pennsylvania Federal Court, which on October 30 suspended the application of a decree after it was appealed by three parties that provide content for the “TikTok” application.

The Trump administration, through the Justice Department, had appealed the ruling.
