A murderer is someone who describes the other as a murderer.


Russian President Vladimir Putin said that people tend to see others as they see themselves, and that the murderer is the one who describes the other as such, stating that he wishes health to US President Joe Biden, whom we called yesterday the murderer.

In televised remarks made today, Thursday, in response to the US president’s talk about him, Putin said that his country will continue to work with the United States, but in a way that benefits Russia, stressing that Washington must take the US into account. Moscow.

The Russian president made it clear that the US leadership is determined to establish its relations with Russia on its terms, but Moscow will work with Washington on Russian terms.

While Putin said the United States believes that Russia is like that, he emphasized that Russians have a different genetic code, as he put it himself.

US President Joe Biden responded positively to a journalist who asked him if Putin was a “murderer.”

When the famous host George Stephanopoulos of the American television “ABC”, during the dialogue on Wednesday, asked Biden directly if he considered the Russian president a “murderer”, the American president replied: “Yes, I think so.”

Then, in the same interview, he said Putin would pay the “price” for meddling in the 2016 and 2020 US elections, accusations Moscow has always denied.

Reckless statements

The Russian Foreign Ministry summoned its ambassador in Washington, Anatoly Antonov, to Moscow to consult on the future of relations with the United States.

The embassy said that “reckless statements by US officials could lead to the collapse of relations, which are witnessing a great deal of controversy.”

The Kremlin said that Biden’s remarks against Putin are very bad and stressed that Russia will deal with the United States on the basis of the fact that Biden does not want to improve relations between the two countries.

The Kremlin added that the Russian president had no plans at the time of meeting with his country’s ambassador in Washington, who was summoned for consultations.

For his part, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: “The US president’s statements are very bad, and it is clear that he does not want to improve relations with our country,” adding: “From this principle we will proceed from From now”. . “

Peskov said that the ambassador, who will stay in Russia for several days, will meet, if necessary, with Putin in person.

On the other hand, the White House said that relations with Russia will be completely different from what they have been for the past four years, emphasizing that Moscow will be held accountable for its actions.

The US State Department also confirmed to Agence France-Presse that it does not intend to summon its representative from Moscow.

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