A municipal chief appeals to the ministries of health and the interior: Tell us about the lists of returnees!


On the eve of the start of the third stage of the return of Lebanese expatriates, the mayor of Rahba Fadi Berber, who deals with the ministries of health and the interior, called on the municipalities to notify the municipalities of the regulations. of returnees from expatriation countries so that local authorities can carry out their tasks of supervising the quarantine of these people and monitoring them in the field especially recently, especially on recent trips. Significant injuries among returnees.

He noted that in recent days, the municipality accidentally discovered that there had been injuries among the returnees, since it was not reported by the central authorities, in a way that would have caused a collapse of health in the city if these returnees were not interested. And they will inform the municipality of their state of health to be able to fulfill their obligations towards them.

He warned against the infiltration of chaos into official procedures that were going well with the help of local authorities, including the Rahba Municipality, which had rushed from the early days of the epidemic to impose severe preventive measures that helped our people protect themselves. of infection. He called on the ministries of health and the interior to intervene quickly to regulate the mechanisms of access for expatriates to their towns and villages, informing municipalities of the lists of names periodically to avoid any relapse that could affect our people.

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