A message from Macron to Aoun on the occasion of independence .. This is what he says


French President Emmanuel Macron, in a congratulatory message for the 77th Independence Day addressed to the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, affirmed that “France is today, as always, with Lebanon and the Lebanese people.” Support France to meet its urgent needs in the fields of food, health, education and housing. “

He said: “We are working, in cooperation with the United Nations and all our partners, to hold an international conference in support of the Lebanese people.”

Macron stressed that “the multifaceted crisis that Lebanon is going through, at various economic, financial, social and political levels, demands forceful measures. The solutions are known: the road map with which all the political parties committed on September 1 must take in practice”. Noting that “this road map responds simultaneously to the demands of the sincere friends of Lebanon, as well as the legitimate expectations expressed by the Lebanese people.”

He hoped that the President of the Republic “make a strong call to all political forces to put aside their personal, sectarian and factional interests to achieve the supreme interest of Lebanon only and the interest of the Lebanese people.”

Text message
The French President’s message read: “On the occasion of the Lebanese Independence Day celebration, I am pleased to offer you, on my personal behalf and on behalf of the French people, the best sentiments of friendship to you and the Lebanese nation.

France is especially attached to the fraternal relations that unite our countries and peoples. It attaches great importance to the independence and sovereignty of Lebanon. This country has always been an example of openness and freedom in the region. I was able to reiterate this issue during the two visits I made in the summer after the August 4 explosion.

I am deeply concerned about the current situation in your country and I am aware of the increasing difficulties that Lebanese women and men face in their daily lives. They can count on France’s support to meet their urgent needs in the fields of food, health, education and housing. We are working, in cooperation with the United Nations and all our partners, to hold an international conference in support of the Lebanese people.

However, all this is not enough, as the multifaceted crisis in Lebanon, at various economic, financial, social and political levels, calls for strong measures. The solutions are known: the road map to which all political parties committed on September 1 must be implemented. This roadmap responds to the requirements of the sincere friends of Lebanon, as well as the legitimate expectations expressed by the Lebanese people. The mere implementation of this map will ensure the mobilization of the international community necessary to prevent the collapse of the country and help it adopt reforms that are inevitable for its resurgence.

Hurrying, today, requires the formation of a government of qualified personalities, who are trustworthy and capable of implementing all these measures. In this context, you, Excellency the President, have a special responsibility. Lebanon today faces enormous options, and you, as an actor in its history, know it. What the Lebanese people demanded for almost a year in their uprising can still be achieved. And it is your duty as head of state to respond to it and to strongly ask all political forces to put aside their personal, sectarian and factional interests to achieve the supreme interest of Lebanon only and the interest of the Lebanese people.

Your Excellency, you can be sure that France is today, as at all times, with Lebanon and the Lebanese people. ”
