A message from “Hariri” to Geagea … Will the assignment position change?


Raquel Atiq wrote in Al-Gomhoria: The president of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, refused to receive the delegation of the Future bloc headed by parliamentarian Bahia Hariri to propose the nomination of former Prime Minister Saad Hariri to head the government and the project he supports, because “Walid Jumblatt is not treated in this way.” Likewise, the head of the Free Patriotic Movement, Gebran Bassil, did not attend the meeting between the “Future” delegation and the “Strong Lebanon” bloc, while the head of the “Lebanese Forces” party, Samir Geagea, received the delegation. in Maarab. Al-Hariri does not visit Geagea or is dependent on Hariri being called in inquiries for the assignment of this meeting or communication. Although the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, did not attribute the postponement of the assignment consultations to the absence of the “statute”, sources close to Hariri consider that Geagea’s position of not appointing him, together with Bassil’s similar position , motivated this postponement..

It seems that the blame for the “future” of the “forces” is shifted to the position of binding parliamentary consultations to assign the prime minister to form the government, and this time not not to appoint Hariri, but not to appoint him at all. Despite the declaration of “strong Lebanon” and “strong republic” that Hariri was not named in the consultations that were scheduled for yesterday, Hariri was expected to win the votes of the parliamentary majority, and therefore would have the task to form the next government. Considering that the results of the allocation consultations are binding on the president of the republic and he cannot make any decision on it or reject it, Aoun took a proactive step and postponed these consultations for a week until next Thursday, 22 this month, “based on the request of some parliamentary blocs due to the appearance of difficulties that require work to resolve them.” According to a statement issued by the Presidency of the Republic, without further explanation.

While Hariri is silent about this postponement without withdrawing his candidacy, sources close to him are surprised by the position of the “forces” in terms of not appointing anyone to head the government, while he had appointed the diplomat Nawaf Salam in previous consultations. . These sources consider that “the saying of the ‘forces’ that they do not find that nobody deserves to occupy this position is impractical and incomprehensible and has nothing to do with political science, since they could have decided not to participate in the consultations or to boycott them, since be it to participate and not name anyone. This explains why he does not see anyone in the Sunni community, even though his relationship with her has become good.».

These sources also consider that this position of “forces” allowed the Presidency of the Republic to find reasonable reasons to postpone the consultations, since the two largest Christian blocs do not want to name anyone. If the “forces” were named one person, this argument would be dropped and the person who has the nomination of a parliamentary majority would be assigned to the task, just as President Hassan Diab was appointed even though only 6 Sunni MPs appointed him in consultations.».

This logic is rejected by the “forces”, since they “have a vision of principle that cannot be changed from one session to another depending on the position of this or that team, or to not give an argument or excuse to anyone, and it is not obliged to take a position contrary to its convictions so as not to give others an argument to stick to. “, Maarab sources said, explaining that” the proposal of an independent government is not new for the ‘forces’ but that Geagea proposes it since September 2, 2019, in addition to the fact that the ‘forces’ reiterate in all their positions that no government other than who will be its president will not be able to be achieved with the ruling majority, “noting that” the bet of ” forces “is in the fall of parliament and early elections, and not in the government, because any government will be obstructed by the established team».

As for the “force” decision not to name, “it comes because they do not want to name Hariri, and at the same time Geagea agrees, out of respect for friendship with Hariri, not to name in the face any figure who heads the government when he is a candidate. ” In the binding parliamentary consultations that preceded Diab’s appointment, the “Forces” were not appointed because Hariri’s name was proposed to head the government. Regarding the consultations that led to the appointment of the president, Mustafa Adeeb, who apologized, the “Forces” were appointed diplomat Nawaf Salam because Hariri was not a candidate, nor did he accept Geagea appointed Adeeb despite the wish of French President Emmanuel Macron, based on the consideration that any government that is not independent of politicians will fail, and because the March 8 team insists on being at the center of this formation and appointing its ministers.».

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