A malicious Israeli plan to derail the Naqoura negotiations


The behavior of the “Israeli” delegation towards the negotiations for the demarcation of the maritime borders in Naqoura appears, the reassuring behavior of the issues to be discussed and the result that will come out, which seems to him the least of which is to obtain a few hundred kilometers of the 862 square kilometers in which he believes that the conflict is limited to him while the aggression is overcome. The “Israeli” on the land borders after it overthrew the “Pauli Newcomb” agreement, canceled the armistice agreement, denied the law of the sea and adopted the de facto imposed by “Israel” and transferred some border signals in the south, which which allowed him to till Lebanese land in the belief that what he did was final. The land no longer needed anything more than a Lebanese endorsement and the signing of the papers. And for that, it was his insistence and the US mediator to ignore the “framework agreement” of the “Bolih Newcomb” agreement, the armistice agreement and the law of the sea, and go on to assign negotiations to flimsy terms of reference that neither advance nor delay in proving Lebanese rights at borders by land or sea shoulder, April 1996.

However, the Lebanese delegation surprised the “Israeli” enemy in Naqoura with a solid scientific and legal position based on three elements. The first was the emphasis on the basic reference to the Border Agreement of 1923, the Armistice of 1949 and the Law of the Sea of ​​1982, and the second was that the delegation determined Lebanon’s right to its borders and economic zone based on the law and was not a committed delegation. Under pressure, and the third is that nothing restricts the Lebanese delegation from the previous procedures and actions to place in the hands of the only constitutional authority that the Lebanese constitution authorizes to negotiate with abroad, and thus everything that happened or was circulated before the file reached the hand of the President of the Republic and before the cabinet approved and approved it. The House of Representatives remains preliminary rather than final projects or proposals, allowing them to be reconsidered whenever new data emerges.

This Lebanese position was scandalized by the knowledge, the law, the technology, the national commitment and the clarity that characterized, in addition to the “Israelis” the “honest” American mediator who expressed his displeasure, which caused him to raise again the arms to apply a new wave of pressure parallel to an “Israeli” media and psychological war led by the Minister of Energy. The “Israeli” who claimed that Lebanon changed position seven times, referring to the blueprints that have been circulating since 2007 by parties that are not competent or have no specialization or are partial works that do not cover all aspects of the issue.

However, we do not deny that there is media circulation of specific lines before these negotiations, starting with the line (B1-1), then the line (B1-23), then the (Ras al-Naqoura line – imagine), but all These lines were not official Lebanese lines, as the line that was His project was signed by the Siniora delegation in Cyprus, which was rejected by the army, and the President of the Republic and later the Council of Ministers refused to accept and approve it , and instead they approved it, and under Decree 64332011, the line known as Line 23, which corrected the error in the place of point (1) and replaced it with Point 23 and the Lebanese official continued to review this line If they appear the new data.

In fact, when new data emerged, represented by a rock called “Imagined Island”, and returning to the precise interpretation of the articles of the law of the sea and with the help of experts in international law and the precise interpretation of the agreement, Lebanon arrived to a drawing of his final line that he presented in the negotiations in Naqoura, and this is what the “Israeli” rejected and promoted. Exit the negotiation room to open another type of negotiation through the media, led by the Minister of Energy of Israel, with positions that he directs directly to the President of the Republic. He wants direct political negotiations that start from the borders and lead to surrender and normalization. This was explicitly announced by the Israeli Minister of Energy on social media, when addressing his speech to the President of the Republic: “If we could meet face to face in a European country to carry out open or secret negotiations, we would have a good opportunity to resolve the dispute over the maritime borders once and for all ”. It sets a tight trap for Lebanon, and we do not believe the answer is unless it adheres to and emphasizes the following principles:

1- The negotiations in Naqoura are technical-military negotiations that have nothing to do with any relationship, discussion or dialogue of a political nature, so the Israeli Minister of Energy must stop his fraudulent maneuver through which the nature of the negotiations changes and it transfers them from indirect military-technical negotiations in Naqoura to political negotiations. On the issue of borders and interests, directly through the media, and directly in Europe, in face-to-face meetings.

2 – The only place to present and discuss ideas and on a unique and exclusive topic is the demarcation of maritime borders and everything related to them. The only place is the Naqoura tent, and the party in charge of presenting the Lebanese position is the military-technical delegation that does not address the “Israeli” directly or discuss with him, but rather informs him of the positions AND responds to his positions. through an American mediator, under the auspices of an international that welcomes the negotiations.

3- The Israeli claim of the multiplicity of lines and the fluctuation of the positions shown by Lebanon has no value, since the only official position prior to the Naqoura negotiations is the book that was addressed to the United Nations in 2011 and adopted the line 23, reserving to Lebanon the right to revise it with the appearance of new data, and now The revision was carried out after the publication of the data and the last line was presented in Naqoura.

4- Lebanon in Naqoura is involved in technical and legal negotiations that have no political character, and therefore, it is the rules of science and law that impose the position and impose the border line, which means that mistakes Unauthorized persons cannot bind Lebanon and undermine its rights under the provisions of general international law. It is not insurmountable and does not lead to “granting Israel” the rights acquired from incomplete legal actions, but rather null, because they were executed by parties without constitutional authority, in addition to the fact that “Israel” was not a party to it and that Lebanon or the other parties did not follow the rules Hiring for the benefit of others is a service to “Israel”.

5- The only maritime border line that is being discussed with “Israel” is the line proposed by the Lebanese delegation in Naqoura. It is a line built on the basis of the “Bolih Newcomb” agreement that precisely defines the starting point of the land border, which is the base point on the sea border and which is a rock point. Ras al-Naqoura, the Armistice Agreement and the Agreement on the Law of the Sea, and that circumventing the framework agreement for these documents and not stipulating them would not remove them and would deprive Lebanon of the legal and technical power that the documents attached to its position.

6- “Israel” must discuss with science, law and topography, and recognize the Lebanese right. As for altering the negotiations and taking it down the aisles of politics, history and past actions with reliance on US sanctions, it will not be acceptable and it will not help because Lebanon works by the logic of “strong persistence in rights without obligation”. «.

In light of these constants, the fate of the negotiations in Naqoura will be determined. If Israel insists on diverting the indirect negotiations from their course and seeking a new framework, as announced by the Minister of Energy, then it will have assassinated the Naqoura negotiations and finished them, and if it wanted to rely on errors and historical stories, then it could be Las Negotiations have been placed before a dead end leading to failure or suspension and postponement. Or if they want the negotiations to be successful, then they must act with legal logic and stop the malicious and fraudulent attempt led by the “Israeli” Minister of Energy by inviting him to the political negotiation that he now initiated through the media with the President of the Republic directly, without going through the delegation. He is authorized to negotiate. And he wants to turn it into a direct bilateral meeting in Europe that paves the way for the normalization that “Israel” aspires to with Lebanon!
