A Lebanese court forces the Ministry of Health to administer the Corona vaccine to an elderly person within 48 hours


A Lebanese court forces the Ministry of Health to administer the Corona vaccine to an elderly person within 48 hours


Corona vaccination in Lebanon

A Lebanese court issued a judicial decision that obliges the Ministry of Health to administer the coronavirus vaccine within 48 hours from the date of the announcement of the ruling, under penalty of a fine.

The Lebanese National News Agency reported that the Mandate Urgent Affairs Judge, Carla Shawah, issued an urgent decision forcing the Ministry of Public Health to administer the Coronavirus vaccine to one of the citizens summoned against him, under penalty of a fine. coercive.

The invoker said: “He was born in 1941, and he suffers from a blockage in the main artery of his left leg, and has to undergo medical treatment throughout his life, and he is among the most vulnerable to corona infection.” . and took the initiative to register his name to obtain the vaccine through the online platform launched by the Ministry of Health for these purposes, and that he was surprised, like other citizens, with the clear statement of the Minister of Public Health that he sent a team from his ministry to Parliament that vaccinated several deputies and general managers, avoiding their role in accordance with the criteria that established the plan, and that these infractions and violations were the subject of a press conference for the head of the National Committee of Fight the Corona Epidemic, Dr. Abdul-Rahman Al-Bizri “.

The decision concluded, “The Ministry of Health, in its undue and unjustified work, has made a distinction between those summoned and others who have received the vaccine to date without any legitimate justification, in violation of the principle of equality. it was decided to force the defendant before the Lebanese State – Ministry of Public Health, to administer the vaccine. To the plaintiff, according to the mechanism approved by it, within 48 hours from the date of notification. of this decision, under pain of a periodic penalty of 10 million Lebanese pounds for each day of delay in execution.

Source: “National News Agency”
