A Lebanese city announces the closure of a full week!


The municipality of Bakhoun – Al-Danniyeh announced, in a statement, that “it has made the decision to completely close the city for a full week, due to the high number of new coronavirus (Covid-19) infections in recent days, since Monday morning until next Monday morning. About the current 19 “.

The statement indicated that “after the results of the examination campaign carried out by the Corona Crisis Cell in the town of Bakhoun, the results of which were shocking, reaching 27 of 38 examinations carried out in the current 9, and the Crisis Cell, In collaboration with the team from the Ministry of Health, they conducted tests in the town. On the 5th of this year, the result was nine injured, and for your information, the total number of injured within 15 days amounted to 55 injured, from the date of September 24 to the current 9, highlighting that the number of residents of the town exceeds 16 thousand.

He added: “In view of this result, we contacted the Minya-Denniyeh district doctor and the district office, and then it was decided to close the city for a week, specifically public and private institutions, schools, secondary schools and public and private institutes, and close all restaurants, cafes, sports clubs and stadiums, and pharmacies, medical centers, supermarkets and stores are excluded from the decision. And butchers, ovens and gas stations, and citizens must comply with the home quarantine and not leave except when absolutely necessary, and all meetings and celebrations in the city are prohibited, and those infected with the virus must comply with the home quarantine for a period of 14 days, and appeal to the people to the need to show a spirit of responsibility , awareness and commitment to the use of a mask and social distancing.

In the context of this decision, the Bakhoun Official Co-ed High School, the Bakhoun Official Technical Institute and the Bakhoun Co-ed Official High School announced their commitment to the decision to close during this period.

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