A human rights coalition demands that the Houthis release the journalists.


Urgent news Akhbar Al-Alam Al-Youm: A human rights coalition demands that the Houthis release journalists. Source of the news – Arabic – Akhbar Al-Alam with details of the news A human rights coalition requires the Houthis to free the journalists:

World News Today – Last update: Monday 11 Ramadan 1441 AH – May 04, 2020 KSA 11:38 PM – GMT 8:38 PM
Published in: Monday 11 Ramadan 1441 AH – May 04, 2020 KSA 11:30 PM – GMT 8:30 PM

Source: Arab Net – Osan Salem

The Yemenite Alliance for the Control of Human Rights Violations (RASED) called on the Houthi militia to release the arrested journalists and to remove the death sentences issued by the so-called specialized criminal court, which lacks jurisdiction and jurisdiction, against four of them, based on false charges.

This occurred in a statement issued by a monitoring coalition on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day (May 3), indicating that Yemen is ranked 168 in the world according to the global press freedom ranking, since Houthi militia coup against the country in September 2014, due to deterioration of press freedom and media work In Yemen, the risks faced by Yemeni journalists.

The statement emphasized that, immediately after his seizure of power, the Houthi militia broke into various newspaper and media offices, closed, looted and seized several journalists, and also used many of them as human shields in places with uses military, which resulted in the martyrdom of several of them.

A monitoring coalition said the Houthi militia still keeps and hides many journalists and employees of various media outlets and other human rights defenders in prisons as of this moment.

He added: “The Houthi militias have also launched smear campaigns against journalists who oppose their policies or who refuse to cooperate with it, and issued blacklists against journalists who managed to leave the provinces it controls.”

The Yemenite Alliance for the Control of Human Rights Violations called on the Houthi militia to release all detained journalists and their families, drop all charges against them unconditionally, stop persecuting all journalists and workers in the media, and refrain from launching incitement and hate campaigns against them.

The international community and international organizations, led by the Office of the UN Special Envoy for Yemen, also called for urgent intervention and pressure on the Houthi militia to release all detained journalists and stop repeated attacks and harassment of journalists.

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