A health-economic conflict … and the closure decision confuses the father | Phalanges


A heavy burden was placed on the crumbling economic reality, but with the second wave of the Crown epidemic approaching and hospitals reaching full capacity, there was talk of a complete shutdown of the country from two weeks to a month, so that medical teams and hospitals could get back on their feet. However, this demand was met with a categorical rejection of the “economic sector” that was breathing for the last time, so what are the possible solutions?

1390-1699-1750-1933-1850 These numbers are a model of the registered daily numbers, which the Ministry of Public Health announces daily for Coronavirus infections, indicating a clear imbalance on the issue of partial closure, especially since the number of infections increases daily.

That is exactly what the head of the Parliamentary Health Commission affirms, Deputy Assem Araji, who points out, through the “Republic”, that “the partial closure did not contribute to reducing the number of injured. On the contrary, we attended a rapid increase in your count. “

He considers that two reasons are behind this increase: First: Failure to comply with procedures in public places such as restaurants, supermarkets and shopping centers, and the continuation of weddings … as well as in official circles. Second: the inability of the State to take the necessary measures against offenders.


Given the inconsistency in the closure calls, several problems arise related to the discretionary criterion adopted in the decision to close public institutions. For example, we found that the doors of the Casino du Liban remained open despite the severity of the daily overcrowding, which causes the transmission of the infection at an accelerated rate, knowing that the pretext for opening the casino was the need for funds. Therefore, if the goal is to make money, then keeping the doors of the car registration center open, or what is known as a benefit, is open, taking preventive measures into account.

The randomness of the decisions can also be deduced from the facts on the ground. For example, after a closing of a week or 14 days, citizens flocked to the circuits that were closed to end the transactions and occupations that accumulated at the closing in numbers that exceeded the capacity of the departments on the first day of the reopening. The only real estate department accommodates 1000 citizens daily and the first day after the return we find that it receives around 8000 ».

In context, Araji opines, “We need to balance the economy and health. For this reason, he appealed to the need to implement preventive measures, such as avoiding social gatherings and adhering to the use of masks and social distancing … and consequently, so that we can keep institutions open and not resort to closure. But it turned out that we are losing both the economy and the health, and it is no longer possible to balance and continue like this.

Araji proposes a series of solutions, which he believes are “the most appropriate to avoid the coming disaster”, saying: “Many Lebanese cannot eat if they do not work.” Therefore, we believe that the State should help this class of people, so that instead of spending 220 million dollars a month on the food basket, another formula can be found to distribute this amount to day laborers so that they can cover their needs under the closure, and that’s at least for a month, with the application of the closure. Seriously, firmly and strictly, or the tendency to strictly implement the measures of the security forces, to build on what is required.

As for the opening of official departments, Araji proposes “rotating within official jobs” to avoid interrupting people’s work.


On the other hand, the head of the Beirut Merchants Association, Nicolas Shammas, believes that “the closure policy has demonstrated its failure with the approach of the count of injured to the limit of 100,000”, asking to look at the economic damage “because the policy followed led to an 80% drop in economic activity, especially during this period. It coincided with the financial and monetary collapse and the explosion of the port.

Shammas assures Al-Jumhuriya that “economic organizations have complied with the decision of total and partial closure until the end, because they take the Corona issue seriously, especially because they realize that they have to live with this pandemic for months or even years ”. It considers that “the state has failed to equip Corona departments and intensive care in hospitals, as other countries deliberately doubled between 3 and 11 beds allocated for Corona diseases, while this issue did not happen in Lebanon. Therefore, he believes that “we cannot blame 4 million Lebanese for the failure of the state to equip hospitals.”

Deacon reiterated his rejection of the closure in absolute terms “because it did not limit the spread and spread of the epidemic,” he saw that “the solutions are clear. First: equip hospitals, second: prevention and adherence to preventive measures, and third: retribution against offenders by organizing seizure certificates “. He concluded: “We are with any approach that balances health obligations with financial requirements. Therefore, we call on the new government to present a rational approach.”

On the security level

In the midst of economic pressure, the Lebanese await every Sunday the decision of the Minister of the Interior and Municipalities, Mohamed Fahmy, on the closure of a number of towns and villages, which have high rates of injuries.

However, on the ground, if the municipalities do not take appropriate measures, negligence continues to control the situation, and it is up to each owner of an institution, cafeteria, restaurant or even school to abide by the decision of the Minister of the Interior or not, with the exception of government departments that are forced to abide by it.

Araji quotes Fahmy as saying that he “cannot implement the required shutdown procedures alone, as he needs to help people, especially in terms of compliance, and banish mediation carried out by large numbers of politicians when they know that the forces of security have closed any violating institution. “

Based on this reality, Araji calls for “the concerted effort of the entire community, because the problem lies in the number of injured who now need isolation rooms or intensive care, because their number has doubled alarmingly in the last two weeks. “.
