A global health warning about young people and the mutant Corona clone


At a time when research is still underway to crack the code and secret of the new mutated strain of the Corona virus, which appeared in Britain two weeks ago, the World Health Organization issued a warning to young people.

The director of the organization’s European office, Hans Kluge, said in a tweet on Twitter on Friday: “It appears that this version, unlike previous breeds, is spreading among the younger age groups,” calling for caution and considering that surveillance is important during the continuation of research and studies to determine the extent of its impact.

8 European countries
In addition, he added in another tweet that “8 European countries have so far detected the new strain of Covid-19 VOC-20 2012/01.”

He highlighted the need to adhere to the protection measures in force, including social distancing, the use of masks and staying within the so-called support bubbles (referring to the narrow circle of friends while adhering to the required health measures).

It is noteworthy that Great Britain, where the new series of SARS-Cove-2 was detected, is the country where the epidemic is spreading with the highest rate (+ 61%) among the countries that have registered more than a thousand daily infections during the last seven days.

More contagious
A study published online Thursday, but not yet published in a scientific journal, confirmed that this new strain is more contagious than old strains, at a rate ranging from “50% to 74%.”

According to researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine who prepared the study, in the absence of stricter preventive measures, “the number of hospitalizations and deaths from Covid-19 will reach higher levels in 2021 than those registered in 2020.”

25 million infections … and vaccination tomorrow
This comes as more than 25 million corona cases were recorded in Europe, where the changed virus is causing increasing concern, at a time when the European Union is supposed to start vaccination campaigns on Sunday.

It should be noted that the European region, which includes 52 countries (reaching the east and including Azerbaijan and Russia) is the most affected in the world in terms of the number of injured, followed by the United States and Canada (19,188,172 injured), Latin America and the Caribbean (15,024,469) and Asia (13,617,004), according to a census conducted by Agence France-Presse yesterday.

Europe was the first region to cross the half million deaths on December 17.

Vaccinate the world .. and time
“During this terrible year, we have seen the sacrifices that many people have made to protect and preserve their lives. We must not waste these sacrifices,” said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

He added in a video message: “Vaccines offer the solution to finally get out of this tragedy. But it will take time for the whole world to get vaccinated.”
