A fourth strain of Corona appears in an African country


Africa’s top public health official announced that a fourth new strain of the Corona virus had appeared in Nigeria.

“It is a different strain than the one that appeared in Britain and South Africa,” John Nkengasung, director of the African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told reporters, adding: “But we need more time and more research to be done. “.

He added that the Nigerian Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the African Center of Excellence in Genomics of Infectious Diseases will analyze more samples for verification.

Nkengasung noted that the third strain to appear in South Africa is now the dominant strain of the Corona virus, and that the number of confirmed cases in the country has approached one million.

He said it is spreading at record speed and infections have increased across the African continent by 10.9 percent in recent weeks.

And he added that health authorities believe that this “South African” strain “will have no effect” on vaccination operations against Covid-19 in Africa.

In recent days, many countries reported the emergence of new strains of the coronavirus.

Among them is Great Britain, which announced the appearance of a highly contagious strain, forcing strict preventive measures. Countries around the world suspended flights and travel from Britain.

British Health Minister Matt Hancock said the highly contagious new strain of the Corona virus is out of control.
