A “fateful battle” … This is what Aoun asked the international community to do


The President of the Republic, Michel Aoun, thanked French President Emmanuel Macron for “the strong and continuous support he gives Lebanon without ceasing.”

During his speech at the Second International Conference in Support of Beirut and the Lebanese People, led by French President Emmanuel Macron and United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres, through video technology, Aoun said: “Despite obstacles faced by the French initiative, it must be successful, because of the crises it is going through. The country has reached its limits and we know that “the impossible is not French.”

He also thanked the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. António Guterres, as well as the distinguished ladies and gentlemen and presidents who are here today, who have shown their sincere intention to provide assistance to Lebanon and its people.

He went on to say: “My message to Parliament after the cessation of criminal financial audits has garnered widespread approval and consensus. This national commitment that I have been making, and that I have been demanding since 2005, overcomes political disputes, and without it there will be no agreement with no country willing to help Lebanon is not even with the International Monetary Fund. “

He added: “The response of the Lebanese parliamentary blocs to my letter was unanimous support for a full and thorough scrutiny, and the forensic financial audits will point out all those responsible for the collapse of our economic system and pave the way for the reforms necessary to rebuild. the Lebanese state “.

Aoun said: “I am determined, and whatever the cost of the matter, to continue the criminal financial audit process to the end, to free the Lebanese state from the system of political, economic and administrative corruption from which it has become hostage, with a coverage of sectarian, sectarian and social guarantees “.

He noted that “there is no doubt that the countries gathered today can provide Lebanon with basic assistance, through the means at the disposal of the United Nations and the European Union, to combat the theft of public funds and trace illegal transfers of capital abroad. , specifically as of October 17, 2019. ” .

“Our priority today is to form a government adopting unique standards that apply to all political forces, and the tasks ahead are enormous,” he said, “so what is required of the future government is to launch the workshop of urgent structural reforms, rebuilding Beirut, developing a financial and economic recovery plan and establishing its implementation frameworks. “

Aoun noted that “the tragedies that Lebanon suffered exceeded the Lebanese ability to bear, as economic difficulties weighed on them, affected their savings and jobs and threatened the future of their children, and with the expansion of Corona and its damage to At all levels and to the entire world, the explosion at the Beirut port struck the heart of our capital and increased the miseries of our people and the subsequent damage. ” With our economy, as a result of the accumulated and growing crises that affected Lebanon, the assistance of the countries gathered today has become indispensable for all Lebanese in whatever region they may be in.

And he considered that “international aid is fundamental, whatever its methods, mechanisms or tools, and the channels they adopt, as long as it is under the supervision of the countries gathered today and under the supervision of the United Nations”, noting that “Lebanon is currently negotiating with the World Bank for a loan of $ 246 million for the safety net project.” Social – The emergency crisis in Lebanon and the response to the Corona virus, “Negotiations will end this week and I hope to obtain urgent approval from the Board of Directors of the World Bank.”

He stressed that “international assistance is fundamental and necessary, especially because Lebanon continues to suffer from the massive displacement of Syrians to it, and it is urgent today that the international community resolve the issue of their return to their lands, because our impoverished country does not It has the infrastructure or the adequate means to continue receiving or even providing any support for them. “

He added: “Lebanon does not know the impossible, and our history tells us that we are a people who never tire of fighting to preserve its existence.”

President Aoun added, saying, “I have asked the Lebanese to stand up together and speak out in the right place to press where necessary, to win our battle against corruption … This is the fateful battle for Lebanon! ! ”
Today I am, and from this rostrum, I ask the entire international community not to abandon the country of rice and the wealth that it represents for all humanity.

Aoun concluded his speech by saying: “The Lebanese youth have expressed their concerns, their suffering, their deep roots in their country and their great hope for the future of Lebanon.”
