A famous astronomer reveals to the world the space catastrophe that is approaching Earth on the 15th of this Ramadan. Look


Thanks for reading our news on urgency: a famous astronomer reveals to the world the space catastrophe approaching Earth on Ramadan 15. Now look in detail.

Aden – Yasmine El-Tohamy – Urgent: A famous astronomer reveals to the world the space catastrophe that is approaching Earth on the 15th of this Ramadan. I watched

Yemeni astronomer Ahmed Al-Joubi denied that there are news circulating on social media platforms that speak of the presence of a large meteorite that will hit the ground in the midst of current Ramadan. In a publication monitored by “Yemen Press”, Yemeni astronomer Ahmed Al-Joubi said on his Facebook page: “There is no truth in the presence of a disaster or meteorite, or any of these rumors occur amid the current Ramadan. ” Astronomers hoped that the giant comet would force people to stay in their homes while passing close to Earth. The giant rock, called 1998-OR2, violated the principles of social divergence in the Milky Way, on Wednesday April 29, 2020, by passing four million miles from planet Earth, which means almost a collision with space language. The meteorite is two miles long and 1.2 miles wide, and it will be the largest to pass close to Earth this year. New photos, taken by the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, show that the meteorite is heading toward Earth at 19,500 miles per hour, with a series of protuberances on its surface. Due to its size and proximity to Earth, the center of near-Earth objects has classified it as a “potentially dangerous asteroid”.

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These were the details of an urgent news: a famous astronomer reveals to the world the space catastrophe that approaches Earth on the 15th of this Ramadan … Be on the lookout for this day. We hope we have been successful in providing you with all the details and information. He is new.

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