A European company dumps containers of very dangerous materials in the port of Beirut


A European company dumps containers of very dangerous materials in the port of Beirut


The Al-Akhbar newspaper reported that a German company disposed of containers in the port of Beirut because they contained hazardous materials without any license from any European country, and formulated the value of the contract and its clauses with the signature of the port administration.

The newspaper explained that these 49 containers “contain flammable liquids, toxic gases, flammable gases, flammable solids, hypoallergenic materials, self-reactive materials, materials subject to spontaneous combustion and corrosive materials”, revealing that it occurred after the port explosion on August 4, and under “the weight of panic and haste” the contract with the German company called “Combi Lift” was signed for 2 million dollars, in addition to 1,600,000 dollars deducted from European grants and donations that have not yet reached Lebanon.

And he said: “Last September 3, the Director General of Port Administration and Investments on behalf of Al-Qaisi sent a letter to the Director General of Customs, Raymond Khoury, on the same subject, requesting the immediate withdrawal of these containers, especially with the leakage of dangerous materials from them. What happened next was the request of the Customs Administration for a minister to resign. The money, exceptionally, for these containers is in the interest of the Lebanese army to remove and dispose of them. But as the The army does not have the necessary technology or the place to take these measures, it reduced the risk of the materials by separating them from each other, covering them with sand and transporting them to a safe place in the port.

After two months of give and take between the port administration, customs, the Ministry of Works, the Army, the Council of Ministers and the Presidency of the Republic, the issue was raised in the last session of the Supreme Defense Council. To avoid a new calamity.

The newspaper reveals that “Combi Lift was present at the port and was negotiating with the businessman Mari Bu Mari’s company to remove the filtered oils from his ship. The German company presented a proposal to transport, remove and destroy these materials by reloading them in special containers. and transporting them to the port administration through the Lebanese Business Association. ” Outside the Lebanese territories, the proposed contract amounts to 3 million and 600 thousand dollars, of which the port of Beirut will pay 2 million dollars, while the company accrues an amount of 1.6 million dollars ”.

Source: “Al-Akhbar” newspaper
