A decision to open the country … and continue the curfew at night?


A decision to open the country ... and continue the curfew at night?

It was said in “Al-Akhbar”:

The decision has been resolved. No extension of the country’s blockade. This was announced by the Crown Ministerial Committee, after its meeting yesterday. This “cartridge” was the last in the battle against the virus, which is spreading very rapidly in all regions without exception. As for the latest options available to the country, the beginning of a new phase of coexistence with the virus has become decisive, which does not bode well for optimism, especially after the failed experiments that accompanied the previous stages of closure. During those closures, people did not take seriously the severity of the virus, not even the official authorities. Thus, today we are faced with the option of “escaping.” There is no other name for what will happen after leaving the country to its own devices.

In any case, there were no other alternatives after the closure, since the economic conditions of the country do not tolerate decisions of this decision today. This was stated by the Minister of Public Health, Hamad Hassan, in the statement he made after the ministerial committee meeting, reviewing the “disappointments” before announcing the committee’s decision to “gradually exit the closure”, provided that “a meeting tomorrow to clarify the exit plan, which will be evaluated weekly, With some crucial points proposed to limit the spread of the virus.

Al-Akhbar reported that the committee meeting witnessed a sharp discussion for the first time between Hassan, on the one hand, and Petra Khoury, the prime minister’s adviser for health matters, on the other, leading to a confrontation. The latter proposes ideas that Hassan considers unrealistic and that cannot be applied in Lebanon, given its economic crisis on the one hand, and the weakness of the state structure on the other. Outside of the meeting, Hassan also complains about his “dominance” over decisions related to the healthcare sector. The committee sources said that the trend in it is to continue the curfew decision after 9 p.m., in addition to the continuous closure of nightclubs and cafes. In this regard, Hassan said that the plan to be drawn up is supposed “to imitate the Lebanese reality, not to implement a European or American plan.”
