A decision by the governor of Mount Lebanon to isolate and close this city for a week.


The Governor of Mount Lebanon, Judge Muhammad Makkawi, issued a decision to isolate and close the city of Al-Arbaniyah – Deliba, Baabda district, in its full form for a period of one week from today. The resolution was numbered 2021/2 and read:

Article 1: Al-Arbaniyah City – Daliba – Baabda District is completely isolated and closed for a period of one week. It is forbidden to celebrate public or private parties or social events (weddings, funerals, etc.) or evenings or meetings of all kinds and in all places, and entry and exit is prohibited. To the streets and highways between eighteen and five in the morning every day. “

Article 2: Establishments related to the health and medical sector (pharmacies, dispensaries, etc.), furnaces and fuel and gas distribution stations are exclusively excluded from the closure decision. As for food of all kinds, supermarkets and mini-markets, they are closed between 5 and 5 in the morning. Comply with health conditions, preventive and public safety measures, and the mandatory use of masks, personal hygiene, not overcrowding, maintaining adequate distances between people, permanent sterilization and trusting the delivery service to the greatest extent possible.

Article Three: The municipality of Arbaniyah-Dulayba requires the strict application of preventive measures and the commitment of citizens and residents to the principles of social distancing, prevention, not wandering and mixing, and not leaving home except in cases of extreme need, and the obligation to wear a mask to cover their mouth and nose when they are forced to move, as well as to ensure compliance with the institutions excluded from closure. In accordance with the health conditions and the permanence of the opening and closing specified in the Second Article of this resolution, and consequently, the regulation of the arrest records against offenders in accordance with the legal and regulatory principles in force, and requesting support from internal security forces when necessary.

Article 4: The internal security forces are assigned to coordinate with the municipality of Aarbaniyah – Dulaiba to implement the content of this decision and organize a search in accordance with the rules.

Fifth Article: This decision will take effect as of its issuance.
