A debate between the Secretary General of the Future Movement and the Lebanese Forces



Hariri asked, “How can you explain Hasbani’s saying that Prime Minister Hariri refused to listen to what people said to him: ‘What we want it to be? “The leadership of the forces knows their facts on the ground before any other party. How can the media department explain the campaign of the deputies of the forces on the formation of the government and the insistence that Prime Minister Hariri form a Quota government, leading to say that an apology for forming a government is better than forming a government?
Ahmed Hariri confirmed that Prime Minister Saad Hariri “stated more than once that he works for a government of non-partisan specialists, and you insist on shooting him daily with quota arrows, and you assume that obstructing the formation of the government will open the way to early elections. “.

He noted that “it is not a secret for any Lebanese who wants early elections under the premise of turning the tables that will not change, unfortunately, the early elections that pave the way from Al-Hakim to Baabda.”
The media of the “Lebanese Forces” party issued a statement earlier in response to the words of the Secretary General of the Future Movement, Ahmed Hariri, where the statement read:

Mr. Ahmed Hariri surprised us with a series of tweets outside the national context of the events.

First, you said in your tweets, Mr. Ahmed, that the “Lebanese Forces” are operating in the line of attacking Prime Minister Saad Hariri, but we want you to provide us with a statement from the forces attacking Prime Minister Hariri, except that actually what the former and current ministers and deputies of the “forces” are doing is Confirming our position, which represents the overwhelming majority of Lebanese, including the very base of the Future Movement, in terms that there is no salvation from what we are, except with a completely new government formed on diverse and powerful bases from the quotas that were being made in the past.

Quotas in new aspects does not mean that it is not a quota system, while the result will be as we saw it with the government of Prime Minister Hassan Diab, and in any case, we only judge the results, and our final position on the government will be after their training, but the deliberation to this day is not at all reassuring.

And you are mixing, Mr. Ahmed, between the political stance that all parties have the right to adopt on the basis of their national and political convictions and the attack on President Saad Hariri, which did not take place at all.

Not everyone who took a political position that does not fit his political position means that he attacked Prime Minister Hariri, and we remind you, Mr. Ahmed, that Maarab’s agenda is the agenda to establish a strong republic free from weapons and corruption. .

Second, in your tweets you also accused the “Lebanese Forces” of indirectly betting on the void to get to a chair in Baabda, but tell us, by your Lord, are we living fullness now? We are at the bottom of the void, and no defect, difficulty or pain remained unless the Lebanese citizen is injured as a result of the void in which we live, especially from a year to today.

Third, he also hinted in his tweets more than once that the positions of the “Lebanese Forces” were derived from Samir Jaha’s dream of the presidency, and if Gaha had actually dreamed of the presidency, his political position would have been completely different from what it is at the present time and always, and if it had dreamed of the presidency, it would have seemed to keep up with the Principality and the opening of the door to the right and left, and specifically with Prime Minister Saad Hariri, who is the second bloc largest parliamentarian, and Geagea needs him and others to be able to reach the presidency of the republic, while on the ground Samir Geagah takes the clearest positions in accordance with popular demands, and those furthest from the laws. The political game from above.

Your accusation of Samir Geagea of ​​seeking the presidency is completely false.

Finally, if Prime Minister Hariri decided to get his hands back on the ruling trio, that is his business, but we in the “Lebanese Forces” are not fully convinced of this experience, and he is not allowed to pay us the price for it. sentence “.
