A cyber server used by Iran to trap its opponents in Europe


New Dutch data revealed Iranian espionage on political opponents of the regime in several European countries.

A cybersecurity company, in cooperation with a Dutch radio show, identified a “server” in a data center near Harlem used by the Iranian regime for espionage.

“Iran International” reported that a radio program on the Dutch network “NOS” was able to track the server “after they received a series of information from an Iranian resident in the Netherlands, in addition to a file received by a political opponent of the regime of the “Telegram” application for correspondence.

The host of the program revealed that the Iranian opposition, fortunately for him, did not open the file he received, which may have infected his device.

The cybersecurity firm confirmed, after being asked by the program’s creators to investigate the server, that the Iranian regime is trying to break into opponents’ computers and phones in countries such as the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden and India. The Iranian regime aims to control the attacked computers and steal their data.

Cybersecurity firm BitDefender tracked the location of the “server” near Harlem based on Internet traffic.

Notably, a previous US State Department report, published in September 2019, viewed Iran as “a major threat actor in cyberspace as it uses espionage and other cyber activities to influence global events. and threaten the security of other countries. “

Reports indicate that the Iranian regime has conducted electronic operations targeting governments, business entities, and civil society institutions in the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other countries over the past decade.
