A country that manages to defeat Corona … and reveals the secret


New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced on Monday the lifting of restrictions that had been imposed in Auckland to face a second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, saying that her country had already overcome the virus “again”.

Foreign Policy magazine published a ranking of the countries in the world that managed the crisis best … and New Zealand ranked first!

Ann Sinkeier, MD and Associate Director of the Global Health Observatory at the Institute for International and Strategic Relations, summarizes the ranking based on three main factors, namely “public health directives, budget involved, and communication with the population.”

It must be said that the procedures were strict. The borders were closed in March and the government instituted seven weeks of strict blockade between March and May, according to the magazine.

“The citizens were very close and serious during the quarantine,” admits Julie, a citizen of New Zealand.

The government also focused on communication as a basic rule to address the scarcity of information about the epidemic.

And it launched an application called (NZ COVID Tracer) to track all the contacts of the infected person, while each workplace, each store and each restaurant promised to display a QR code at the entrance, which everyone must scan before enter anywhere.

A government official told the French media that the government knows everything and so does the citizen.

Government communication was good, through a daily press conference with Jacinda Ardern and Ashley Bloomfield, who represent the health services agency that was in charge of the task of facing the epidemic and responding to this special situation, according to official.

And after the imposition of a strict nationwide lockdown between late March and late May, the country was believed to be on the verge of eliminating the virus at some point, after a hundred days had passed without any infection being recorded.

However, a new epicenter of the epidemic appeared in Auckland in August, forcing the city of 1.5 million people to shut down for about three weeks until early September.

With no new confirmed cases in Auckland for 12 days, Ardern said the virus is now under control and congratulated residents for taking a second stone.

“The people of Auckland and New Zealand stuck to the plan, which has worked twice, and beat the virus again,” the Labor leader said.

This success comes at an appropriate time for Ardern, as voters are invited to participate in the October 17 parliamentary elections and the chances of Ardern remaining at the helm of the government are high.
