A big reward for the information on 3 Hezbollah members … Who are they?


On Friday, the US State Department offered a $ 10 million financial reward to anyone who provides information leading to the arrest of “three people linked to Hezbollah’s financial network.”

“The reward is aimed at disrupting the financial mechanisms of the Lebanese terrorist organization Hezbollah,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement, adding that “the people targeted are Muhammad Qasir, Muhammad Qasim al-Bazzal and Ali Qasir.”

Muhammad Kassir, according to the statement, Qassir is considered “a link between Hezbollah and its main financier, Iran, and has formed an important channel for the financial spending of the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in Hezbollah.”

Kassir and other Hezbollah officials supervise “various front companies to conceal the role of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in the sale of crude oil, condensate and diesel, and thus evade the sanctions imposed by the United States on the Revolutionary Guard.”

Kassir also led, according to the statement, “a Lebanese Hezbollah unit that helped transfer weapons, technology and other support from Syria to Lebanon.”

Muhammad Qasim al-Bazzal, the statement stated that he is “a major financier of Hezbollah and the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, and is also one of the founders of the” Talaqi “group, which is based in Syria.

Al-Bazzal also oversees other institutions that finance terrorism, such as “camps” and “Nagham Al Hayat,” according to the statement.

Since late 2018, Al-Bazzal has used the Talaqi Group and its other companies to finance, coordinate and conceal various illicit oil shipments associated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

He also oversaw the association of the “Talaqi” Group with the Lebanon-based company “ALUMIX” which specializes in shipping aluminum to Iran.

Ali Kassir: He works as the managing director of the Hezbollah-associated company “Talaqi”. Its function was to contract naval vessels to deliver cargo to the terrorist network (Hezbollah), following the instructions of the Quds Force.

Ali Kassir oversaw the negotiation of the sale prices of the goods, covering expenses and facilitating the shipment of oil for the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

Ali Kassir represented the Lebanese company Haql in negotiations for the supply of Iranian crude to Syria, as well as collaborating with others to use the “Talaqi” group to facilitate the sale of tens of millions of dollars in steel.

The United States Treasury previously ranked all three on the “Terrorism in the United States in September 2019” list.
