A bet on Bkerke’s role in breaking the status quo … Will it be?


The international community appears to refuse to allow Lebanon and its people to die alone.

Despite the failed performance of the ruling political class, where the people of the system are drowning in their struggles, quotas and narrow calculations, while the Lebanese ship sinks and is dragged by the waves to the bottom and the worst destination, the community International seems to refuse to leave Lebanon and its people, to die alone.

This enthusiasm is evident in France’s adherence to its Beirut bailout initiative. Were it not for the injury of French President Emmanuel Macron in Corona yesterday, he would have visited Lebanon next week for the third time in months, as a team of French diplomats and advisers continued their contacts between Beirut and Paris, to try to break through the government wall before the arrival of the Elysee master in Lebanon … Attention to the Lebanese situation was also evident in the visit of the Under-Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Hussam Zaki, to Beirut yesterday. He landed in Lebanon and conveyed a very clear message to its rulers, on behalf of the entire Arab family, saying: “We will not leave you and we are ready to help you, but you, first, take the first step, and we will meet you. In the middle of the road”.

These Arab and Western visits and positions, according to political sources monitoring Al-Markaziyah, if they indicate anything, then Beirut has not yet stepped off the international agenda, and it appears that it continues to receive external care and attention despite the deficiencies of the political system, and also confirms that the added value that is formed by the small country of this region, and the unique model that Lebanon forms, the world refuses to let it fall, or to let the Lebanese people fall victim to the ruling authority and their confusion. However, the transfer of this report from the theoretical to the practical, and from the human aspect to the financial, will not occur before the formation of the government, and Zaki explicitly said: “When politicians agree on a way out of the crisis, this can constitute a sign to the outside world of seriousness to work in this direction “. He stressed that “Lebanese leaders need to work to get the country out of the difficult situation.” And he said: When Lebanon comes out of the political crisis by forming a government, we hope that this will open the way for all who want to help Lebanon, be they Arabs or foreigners.

Will the ruling class catch this signal? Or will their struggles continue to get stronger and continue to cut the arteries of the Lebanese, who have been strangled economically, financially and in terms of life and health, the oxygen they need? So far there is no data indicating that he will leave the selfish gang, but … today there is a lot of confidence in the entrance of the Maronite Patriarchate in the formation line. Hezbollah intervened between Baabda and Bayt Al-Wasat, as did the Director General of Public Security, Major General Abbas Ibrahim, but their efforts to date do not appear to have succeeded in bridging the gap between the two sides … Will the building where it failed? There is much at stake that Patriarch Bechara Boutros Al-Rahi could open a hole in this thick wall, given the position and location of the Maronite Patriarchate, and its fundamental role in great crises. After hosting Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri in Bkerke two days ago, the sponsor visited Baabda today, and the highlight of what he said about the President of the Republic was his lack of adherence to the third party that hampers the next government. If this data is correct, then it is supposed to establish the reestablishment of communication between Aoun and Hariri. Will the salvation of Lebanon be this time also at the hand of Bkerke? Let’s wait and see …

Source: Central News Agency
