A battle between Hariri and his brother over politics!


The world – Lebanon

In the past two days, there was an unprecedented war of words between the parties affiliated with the Hariri brothers, in which the two sides exchanged what suggests the outbreak of a battle for leadership postponed since 2005, when Bahaa reluctantly accepted he wins the Saudi Arabian decision led by his brother Saad, while Bahaa was engaged in business and investment outside of politics. .

The response of a member of the Political Bureau in the Future Movement, former deputy Mustafa Alloush to the statement by Bahaa Al-Din Hariri, was the first bullet that ignited the battle and the sharp dispute arose, which until recently was still under ashes , and was Aloush’s response to Saad Hariri’s brother. Bahaa Qarat What is attributed to you and surprised me where this sudden jealousy came to Lebanon, from which you have been absent since the murder of your father, and we wish we had participated one day reading Al-Fatihah from his soul, our children descended under the rain and we put ourselves in danger and where were you?

Bahaa Hariri had issued a statement in which he said: “After 2005, most of the politicians and parties in Lebanon went to accumulate power and money at the expense of the country and the interests of the citizens. The quartet and the alliances of five Years were celebrated and the victim was Lebanon, its people and international trust.The statement is clear in its suffering directed at Saad Hariri, the governments he directs and the alliances he maintained.

Future Bloc member MP Walid Al-Bairini also responded to Bahaa Al-Hariri, saying, “We think the story of Cain and Abel has become a story, before it became clear that he has ‘Cain’ every time.

He added in a statement: “In the most difficult, darkest and most difficult circumstances, and at a time when more than one party is trying to politically assassinate Saad Hariri, Sheik Bahaa Al Hariri decided to increase the stab wounds. So it was a sword hanging over his brother, who was content to deceive the facts, distort the facts, and alter history. “

In a tweet to his Twitter account, Dar Al-Fatwa’s Deputy Inspector General Sheikh Hassan Merheb criticized the statement issued by businessman Bahaa Al-Hariri, but without naming him.

He wrote in his tweet: “Whoever has nothing good for his brother has nothing in anyone or in the country … and a point at the beginning of the line.”

On the other hand, he responded to what was described by Bahaa Al-Din Hariri media adviser Jerry Maher, who is a figure close to Riyadh with a stream of tweets announcing Baha’s return from Qalayaat airport in the north, an airport. He has been out of service for many years and said in some tweets of his political and economic crisis. The statement released today confirms that there is no silence from the corrupt and those who support them inside or outside.

Jerry Maher said that Bahaa Al-Hariri is a Lebanese who is carrying out a real project for Lebanon and the Lebanese, and that he is not looking for positions here and there, even if he wanted to, he would have gotten it the easier way.

The head of the Arab Unification Party, Weam Wahhab, commented on the internal battle of the Hariri family in a radio interview in which he said that “we agree with Bahaa El-Din Hariri on many internal issues and that the war that is fighting the corruption system is good. ” “Bahaa El-Din Hariri is a more serious figure than Saad Hariri and active. And his international relations are” good “.” Saad Hariri ended with a decision greater than us, and the United States is not against Hassan Diab and you want give it a chance, “Wahab added, adding that” the Future Movement is someone who smuggles the borders in the north and Akkar, not Hezbollah. “

Bahaa Al-Hariri is the eldest son of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri to his first wife, Nidal Bustani. He is described as the richest man in the Hariri family, contrary to what is rumored by his brother Saad who lost a significant part of his wealth, while attention was drawn to Bahaa after the murder of Father Rafik Hariri. Leading the Future Movement as the oldest, but this has not happened.

Some sources pointed out at the time a role for Saudi Arabia in the election of Saad Hariri, the younger brother. This was the source of the dispute between the two brothers who remained behind the scenes, and previous reports indicated that Bahaa had supported his brother’s opponents in the previous parliamentary elections in Tripoli, northern Lebanon, while Saad appointed Jamal Itani as mayor of Beirut, a figure whom Bahaa accused of embezzlement.

It appears that Saudi Arabia, after Saad Al-Hariri’s arrest in Riyadh and pushing him to resign the Lebanese government presidency two years ago, was preparing Baha to replace him, except that the President of the Lebanese Republic, Michel Aoun, and his refusal to resign Saad and then the French president entered the crisis line, stopped this scenario, to return. Today the dispute appears in its clearest form.

Kamal Khalaf – Ray today
