A 101-year-old Russian defeats Corona


The elderly Russian woman, Maryam Nadershina, who is over 100 years old, managed to conquer the emerging coronavirus in a few days.

Nadershina, who is 101 years old, left a hospital in the Russian Republic of Tatarstan after recovering from Corona, according to Tatarstan President Rustam Minikhanov.

And the president of the Russian Republic of Tatarstan declared this Sunday on his Instagram page that Maryam Nadershina left the main hospital for infectious diseases located in Kazan, a day after celebrating her 101st birthday, according to RT.

Minikhanov thanked the hospital doctors for their work and congratulated Mary on her recovery from the illness.

While the Ministry of Health of Tatarstan affirmed that the long-lived woman spent 8 days in the hospital to complete her treatment at home.

Earlier this month, a free vaccination campaign against Corona was launched in Russia earlier this month with the Russian vaccine “Sputnik V”, the first coronavirus vaccine in the world.

The Russian authorities allowed the use of the “Sputnik V” vaccine, which was developed by their scientists against the Corona virus, in people over 60 years of age.

Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said the vaccination campaign will include all people over the age of eighteen.

People over 60 years old were excluded at first because the vaccine was screened separately for this age group.

The announcement came at a time when the number of injured in Russia topped 3 million for the first time on Saturday, after more than 29,000 new infections and 576 deaths were recorded in 24 hours.

The Russian vaccine uses modified strains of the virus that generally causes the common cold to stimulate an immune response.
