Syrian President Bashar al-Assad made a number of changes in Syria, including positions in the presidential palace and media institutions.
The changes included the “Political and Media Office of the Presidency of the Syrian Arab Republic”, which was headed by Luna Al-Shibl, as she was appointed by decision of the Syrian president, a special adviser to the presidency, “in addition to her previous functions “, in parallel with the issuance of a decision appointing journalist Osama Shahoud as director of the bureau. Journalist at the Republican Palace.
But Shahoud made it clear that his management of the media bureau would be under the supervision of al-Shibl, who returned to Syria at the beginning of the war and assumed responsibility for the media in the Republican Palace, along with Buthaina Shaaban, who follows currently being the media advisor.
According to the decision, the Shibl “whose name was recently included in the sanctions lists of the United States”, went from being the owners of the Public Radio and Television Authority to the owners of the Presidency of the Republic.
The new changes in Syria did not include the media portfolio, which is still kept by Minister Imad Sara.
The changes affected 15 positions in the official Syrian media, according to a decision “attributed” to Syrian Prime Minister Hussein Arnous, based on the “proposal” of the Minister of Information.
The amendments included the transfer of presidential palace employee Amjad Issa to become CEO of the “Al-Wehda Foundation for Press, Printing, Publishing and Distribution” issued by the government newspapers “Al-Thawra” and “Tishreen” and the rest of the provincial newspapers.
Maher Azzam has also been appointed CEO of the “Television and Radio Production Corporation”, which is primarily concerned with series production.
The Ministry of Information announced the appointment of Habib Salman, director of the official channel “Al-Suriya” (formerly Syrian satellite channel), and Adnan Ahmed as director of the channel “Syrian News”, which was previously managed by the current Minister of Information.
The media were named Maysoon Youssef, director of “photo news”, Muhannad Mansour, director of the official “Damascus Radio”, Ali Al-Khaled, director of “Syriaana” radio, and announcer Lama Kafarneh, director of the radio “La Voz de la Juventud”. Zuhair Fatira was assigned to direct the affairs of the “Radio News Directorate”, and assigned Ahmed Alden to direct the affairs of the channel “Syria Drama”, and Muhammad Ali Zahra as director of the “Directorate of Programs”.
The Minister of Information was also assigned to the functions of Director of the “Technical Institute of Printing and Publications”, and Arif Abd al-Ali al-Haram received the functions of editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Tishreen” and Iyad Wannous as assistant to the director general of the official Syrian agency, SANA.
In addition, former “Syrian News” employee Mudhar Ibrahim was transferred from the palace to become “adviser” to the Minister of Information for “media studies” matters.
According to the Al-Akhbar newspaper, these are the biggest changes in the Syrian media in years, happening all at once.
Many questions revolve around the viability of these amendments on the performance and management of the official media, which President Al-Assad described in an interview years ago as “lazy” and highlighted the need to clean it of corruption.
Apart from the blessings and praise, some people in the profession wondered about the reflection of these transfers in positions on the development of the discourse of the official Syrian media, which launched the campaign “Help us to be better” a year and a half ago. There is a clear and real plan or will and sincere action to save the official Syrian media.
As soon as the names were released, the pages of the press and media people in Syria were filled with congratulations and congratulations, following a broad campaign of administrative changes that affected the articulations of the Syrian media.
They described these amendments as “promotions” and blessed those who held these positions to gain “the confidence of the leaders,” a term used in Syria to promote an army officer or a government employee.
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