The company “Pfizer” said, on Wednesday, that its vaccine, which it is developing in partnership with the German “Biontech”, has been shown to be 95 percent effective in preventing the emerging corona virus, and that it has met the necessary safety standards to obtain approval from medical authorities for “emergency” use.
“Pfizer” and “Biontech” plan to present their vaccine for approval for emergency use in a few days, before sharing it with other countries around the world.
As reported by the British network “Sky News”, the analysis of the final effectiveness of the vaccine reached 95 percent 28 days after the first dose, which is higher than that announced last week for the third phase of trials vaccine clinical trials.
The vaccine was 94 percent effective in the age group over 65, and no serious safety concerns were reported, with 2 percent of the 43,000 people who participated in the trials reporting headaches, while 3.7 percent said they had a headache. They suffered from stress.
The two companies, “Pfizer” and “Biontech”, announced this Monday that the vaccine against Covid-19 they are developing is “90 percent effective”, after a preliminary analysis of the results of the third phase of clinical trials, the latest before submitting a license application.
The two companies said in a joint statement that “this vaccine effectiveness” was measured by comparing the number of participants who were infected with the emerging coronavirus in the group that received the vaccine and the number of infected people in another group that received a vaccine. placebo, seven days after receiving the second dose and 28 days after receiving the first dose. As reported, “Agence France Presse”.
The vaccine creates nucleic acids that stimulate the cells of the human body to produce virus-like proteins, and those proteins would trigger the human body’s immune response against the Corona virus.
And “Pfizer” has an agreement to sell 100 million doses of its vaccine to the United States government, giving it the option to buy an additional 500 million doses. The company is also in talks with other governments, including the European Union, about similar deals.
The testing protocol provides relatively quick data analysis, but scientists, biologists, and clinical trial experts have warned of the dangers of granting expedited approval, preferring to test the vaccine for a few more months to ensure its effectiveness and potential side effects.
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