Political circles were in awe of the constant tension of Justice Minister Marie-Claude Negm and her attack on the Finance and Budget Committee, especially as this attack comes out of the context of all events and developments, with their timing and content.
Circles questioned the antecedents and causes of this attack, although the presentation of a bill to lift banking secrecy proposed by the head of the Finance and Budget Commission, deputy Ibrahim Kanaan, at the request of the country’s president and the The Strong Lebanon Block facilitates criminal scrutiny at the Banque du Liban and does not hinder the executive course of the contract with Álvarez and Marsal.
The same circles continued, who was behind Najm or who “dug him up” to fabricate this clash and try to pinpoint Canaan and the Money and Budget Committee?
Is it an attempt to divert attention from events and developments related to the formation of the government and the sanctions after the committee managed to pass a package of laws related to the fight against corruption, the last of which was the law of illicit enrichment, recovery of stolen money and others?
The circles stopped at the lightness with which Najm addresses the issue of facilitating the task of criminal audit by targeting deputies who do not have executive authority instead of going to the group of consultants who agreed to the contract without checking their compliance with the laws Lebanese.