Dorrell breaks the ice between Hariri and Bassil … and goes into government details, starting today


Today, the country entered a period of generalized closure, faced with the constant objection of private sector owners, due to the negative repercussions of this matter on the internal economy and the capacity of citizens to consolidate their daily strength. At a time when the interim government seemed completely absent from this point, unable to ensure the most basic elements of survival. Despite the general recognition that the interim government does not have the capacity to comply with what is necessary at this stage, sources concerned about authorship speak of questions that have begun to be repeated about what can be done if the formation of the government lasts a long time , noting that President Aoun’s call for national consultations has not been answered. She still. Consequently, the future government is far-fetched, according to the data, and the French envoy’s visit to Beirut did not yield any progress in this regard. Rather, stagnation continues to control the course of authorship, but things have returned to zero in this regard.

Durrell’s mission
Al-Nahar learned that the result of the mission of the delegate, Patrick Dorrell, is that he insisted on reminding officials and political leaders of their obligations to the French initiative, so he heard from everyone a reaffirmation of their adherence to these obligations as well as to the initiative. Dorrell told them that French President Emmanuel Macron is closely following everything that is happening in Lebanon, and that the analyzes that speak of a further deterioration of the situation as well as an increase in the political blockade worry Macron, who insists in quickly forming a government to set in motion the path of reform.

According to information from Al-Nahar, the French delegate stressed to all those who met with the responsibility they have in facilitating the formation of the government, assuring them that Macron supports Lebanon and the Lebanese people and has delegated them to Beirut to transmit this again. commitment, and confirm that France is working with the United Nations to hold a conference in support of Lebanon and should develop the content of this conference and make it more economical than humanitarian, through the rapid formation of the government. The French delegate pointed out that his visit is not a sanctions warning, as stated, and that the sanctions could affect politicians if the country plunges into a further collapse. It was known that the French delegate made a comparison between an independent government and a government backed by politicians, preferring a competent and credible government that must have the support of the presidents of the republic, parliament and parliamentary blocs.
The government is out of reach
At the same time, the data related to the impasse in the formation of government seemed completely impassable until now from the mission of the French envoy. The information available to Al-Nahar in this context indicated that the last days that followed the issuance of the US sanctions against Deputy Gebran Bassil and accompanied the visit of the French envoy are actually considered a period of absolute paralysis in the efforts made. to move the course of the composition, noting that pessimism about the possibility of solving complications increased in light of the innuendo. And the requirements recently issued by Baabda, which reveal clear intentions to be strict and not facilitate Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri’s task of forming a government of non-partisan specialists.
The information indicated to the “Major General” that yesterday there was no contact between Presidents Michel Aoun and Saad Hariri, but this does not mean that Hariri’s visit to Baabda will not be mentioned at any time. But informed political sources warned through the “brigade” that the advice on expediting the formation of the government led by the French presidential delegate is expected to be translated into French. If you want to go ahead, some data may change. But if the situation continues as it is, the formation of the government could be prolonged, and that is why Fuentes was called to anticipate until after Dorrell’s visit … especially in light of the representatives of the blocs and currents of the interim ministers.
A connection between Hariri and Basil
While the most apparent knot seemed to be that of the head of the Free Patriotic Movement, Gebran Bassil, follow-up sources told Al-Major that there were those who wanted Durrell to work to dampen the atmosphere between the two men in order to maintain a meeting. between them, which would help resolve pending issues. He indicated that Bassil presented Dorell with the position of the movement since Hariri’s assignment and that he was a facilitator of the solution. He also laid out the reasons for the obstruction from his point of view, referring to other parts that obstruct the formation.
In this context, the Al-Akhbar newspaper pointed out that a telephone conversation took place between Saad Hariri and Gebran Bassil, in the presence of the French envoy, Patrick Durrell, who contributed to “breaking the ice” between the two, without affecting the course of the government formation. The engines are still off, because neither team wants to give in to the other. France holds Bassil responsible, and Washington wants to impose more sanctions on him, creating more pressure and a threat to blow up the Lebanese sand.
In details, according to Al-Akhbar, Dorrell heard “advice” from Hezbollah during his meeting with him, to make an effort with Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri until the latter meets or contacts Basil. The head of the Free Patriotic Movement cannot be solely responsible for the obstruction, while Hariri handles the government file with the logic of “personal accusations” and wants to coordinate with everyone except Basilio, hiding behind the coordination with the President of the Republic. Indeed, Dorrell had “mediated” between the two former allies, which was evident in a brief telephone call between Hariri and Bassil, during the meeting that the French envoy brought with the delegation of the “movement”. A call made by Dorrell with Hariri, before he transferred the phone to Bassil, was aimed at “breaking the ice”, according to informed political sources, adding that the French “want a connection between Hariri – Basil is a positive break. From Stage”. Does this mean positive in the formation of the government? No, the sources responded, adding that “as of yesterday Dorrell will intervene in more detail, in terms of bags and distributions.” She says the French focus is on “energy, communications and financial portfolios, to be in the hands of non-partisan ministers who do not implement private agendas, and the French have identified the names that they are comfortable with.” The problem here is not limited to them, but to those who open the door for them, welcome them and ask for their advice. The French media kept pace with the policy of political pressure to administer it. France Info yesterday published an article, citing “near” the Elysee that Macron “gave Lebanon’s leaders two warnings to form a government, to no avail. The deadline has expired and the corrupt and incompetent are still in their positions.” The superiority and divisive psyche of the country was most evident in the words of a “close associate” of the chancellor, Jean-Yves Le Drian: “The situation has worsened since the port explosion, the rich and Christians have emigrated, and in a few months only the poor and the Islamists will be left ”. Could Macron get more pressure? He asked “France Info” for an official answer that “the key is in Washington.”
During the meeting between Dorrell and Bassil, the latter tried to present himself to the French delegate in order to facilitate the formation of the government based on the principle of “unity of standards”, according to “The Call of the Nation.” However, Dorrell did not fool him with the “standards” trick, and he responded clearly and without equivocation to the proposal. Bassil said: “This issue of the rules hides the conditions that are established to minister to government loyalists and cronies.”

The sources quoted Dorrell emphasizing to Bassil that “the criteria for appointing ministers must be their competence and not their party or political affiliation,” noting that Paris, through the words of its presidential envoy, showed its determination not to follow the political parties in the government formation game, which has become more like a “race.” Monkeys “.

Regarding what has been circulated about Dorrell’s presentation of the names of specialists whom France considers specialized and characteristics of reform that allow them to assume certain ministerial portfolios, the sources confirmed that “names of candidates for ministerial positions have been proposed in the energy, communications and works portfolios “, because these portfolios are of vital importance in the process of implementing the reforms included in the framework of the French document. Noting that Dorrell seemed to follow closely the Lebanese government file and was well aware of the political corridors through which the authorship process was going through, so his mission was to urge the parties to work and advance in the breakdown of the different nodes , which recently emerged from them at the level of sovereign portfolios the complex of designations in the energy and domestic portfolios. Yusef al-Khalil, Director of Financial Operations at Banque du Liban, remains the proposed name to take over the Ministry of Finance.
Dorrell touring Christian leaders
During his tour of Christian leaders yesterday, in Bnachii, Saifi and Maarab, the letter that the head of the Lebanese Forces Party, Samir Geagea, brought to the French delegate to transfer President Emmanuel Macron, requesting France to support the request addressed to the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, to send a commission of inquiry. Facts about the explosion of the port of Beirut to do justice “, while Dorrell put Geagea in the atmosphere of his conversations with Lebanese officials, emphasizing before them that” the coming government must be formed as soon as possible, since it is the last chance for Lebanon. Otherwise, continuing to postpone will waste this opportunity and there will be no international conference. “To support Lebanon or the CEDRE conference.”
The general closure as of today
Parallel to the convulsive political scenario, the loss that authority is going through with respect to the different governmental, economic, social, health and vital records has emerged in its dimensions to the state of total closure that today comes into force, so that people enter under its weight in a state of submission and restriction of their movement under penalty of fining all violators and extremism in repression Irregularities. Medical sources commented on the scenario of the evasion of restrictions and the state of congestion in the capital and the regions on the eve of the date of the comprehensive closure, saying to “The Call of the Nation”: “Things do not bode well. and the closing is indicated by its title, “wondering about” the reason why the competent authorities neglected to impose the measures of separation. Social and commitment to wear the muzzle in front of the horrendous scenario that we witnessed yesterday “, and added:” How can they citizens adhere to precautionary instructions and instructions during the closure period and how people can be persuaded of the feasibility of this closure if the Minister of the Interior himself prolongs hours before the start of its effects, declaring that he is against the closure and is not convinced of its usefulness. ”Emphasizing that“ it is clear that the authority does not have a coherent and effective plan of action in the face of the spread of the epidemic, nor does the Ministry of e Health will take advantage of the closing period to strengthen hospital, medical and nursing capacities in anticipation of the next stage, which all reports and estimates confirm will be more severe at the level of an epidemic outbreak ”. .
