Accelerate internal understanding to form the government … and “sanctions” against Bassil, political defamation and aggression – Al-Manar channel website – Lebanon


The “Loyalty to the Resistance” bloc stated in a statement after its regular meeting at its headquarters in Haret Hreik, headed by Deputy Muhammad Raad, that “choosing 11/11 of each year as Hezbollah’s martyr’s day is a choice deep in its connotations and dimensions, which includes elements of faith and will Defiance, good planning, audacity and clarity of the decreed objective, and all the content that carried the operation of the martyr leader Ahmed Qasir, when he turned into rubble the headquarters of the military ruler Israeli in Tire, buried under its rubble, the Zionist invasion of Lebanon and its destructive and political goals. It is a choice that confirms the decisive commitment to the approach of resistance and martyrdom to liberate Lebanon, preserve its sovereignty, preserve its security and stability, protect its national decisions and its right to support and support all legitimate causes of truth and justice in our region and in the world.

He noted that “the Hezbollah martyrs who, with their sincerity and steadfastness, personified this commitment and provided a distinctive example of faith, jihad and behavior, from the martyr Ahmed Kassir to the martyr leaders Mr. Abbas Al-Mousawi, Sheikh Ragheb Harb, Hajj Imad Mughniyah, Mr. Dinfa and the martyrs of all generations oppressed by them, turned the martyrs of Badr into the resistance of all generations of Badr Al-martyr. Over time, the path of liberation, liberation, victory, pride and dignity will be highlighted to them. The pursuit of this approach is what made the resistance a difficult figure to equate the conflict with the enemies who, despite their tremendous capabilities and the diversity of arts of deception they have, try in vain to end the resistance and crush. its existence and role, especially after it has become a serious obstacle to the success of the policies of submission, restriction and imposition of dictates and conditions.

He noted that “on the other side of the world, it seems clear that the US administration is floating above deep institutions, engaged in adopting the methodology of imposing influence and domination, which leads to singularity in the management of world affairs. And the presidency of this administration will be succeeded by those who commit to adhere to this methodology, each according to their personality, dynamism and methods, while the oil cartels, weapons, money and the media work to mobilize opinion. American and international public according to the policies decided by these institutions and prepare what is necessary to use them to achieve them, using heads of state, entities, armies, alliances and wealth. And international and regional institutions to strengthen their control over the world on the one hand, or over strategic areas like ours in which the United States adopts a fixed policy based on the preservation and protection of the Zionist enemy, supporting its terrorism, imposing a settlement and normalization with it, and a permanent control over the sources of oil and gas and strategic corridors to market them according to the interests it outlines. And policies. Elections and competition between presidential candidates are nothing more than a season destined to reflect a democratic aspect of the rotation of power, while the deep dictatorship is the one that draws and implements policies and establishes limits and controls.

At the local level, the bloc saw that “it was quickly revealed that the name of the leader of the Free Patriotic Movement, Minister Gebran Bassil, was placed on the sanctions list, not for the apparent alleged reasons, which are related to his disguise of corruption. . With Hezbollah, in line with the blockade that the United States is trying to impose in order to subjugate Lebanon and its living political forces and attract everyone to reconcile with the usurping Zionists and normalize relations with them.

And when the bloc affirmed its “commitment to all the positions expressed by His Eminence, the Secretary General of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, during his appearance last night,” it renewed its commitment to “meet the martyrs of the Islamic Resistance and their blessed approach to upholding national sovereignty, preserving liberation achievements, balancing deterrence, strengthening assertiveness, and fighting corruption. ” Adherence to integrity and concern for the service to the citizenry, following up on legal efforts for the development of the country’s conditions and the development of the periphery regions, and making efforts with the different parliamentary blocs to implement laws that enhance the accountability of the perpetrators and encourage through other laws the productive sectors and the investment of available resources in all fields in a legitimate and fair manner and without discrimination between citizens or between regions. “.

She greeted on the occasion of the “day of the martyr of Hezbollah, the families of the martyrs and their families”, bowing before “their patience and perseverance in approaching the sacrifice for the love of God, humanity and the country.”

The bloc noted that “ the US presidential elections revealed the size of the vertical divide in American society as a result of the absence of justice, the high level of racism, the practice of tyranny, support for terrorism and coverage their heinous crimes, causing Americans to feel a state of disconnect between principles and practices, and confusion spreads between them and undermines their trust in people, positions, institutions, and policies. Considering that “the dilemma that is aggravating in the United States is not only solved by changing the presidency, but also requires changes in strategic policies, which is what the world needs today instead of insisting on arrogance and aggression.”

He emphasized that “the relations of the Lebanese among themselves and the political alliances that we weave between their forces, and the situation of each of them in Lebanon, are a purely Lebanese affair. Neither the US administration nor any other state government has the right to interfere in it and dictate sanctions or decide measures that leave a negative impact on their owners in His country or any other country, “considering that” putting the name of Minister Gebran Bassil and before that he names other Lebanese ministers on the sanctions list is a political fabrication, rather it is an aggression and an unjust action that the United States administration bears legal and moral responsibility for every negative impact on the owners of those names outside the United States The American minimalist, who is condemned and definitely rejected.

And he called for “accelerating the wheel of internal understanding to form a government because it is an urgent political and administrative need for the country and for the citizens. It is not allowed to bet on it or treat the requirements of its formation coldly.”

Regarding the Corona epidemic, the bloc highlighted “the need for citizen discipline and its commitment to public health measures and the closure recently decided by the Supreme Defense Council in the context of addressing the dangerous spread of the epidemic in the country and the high risk and mortality rates ”.

Finally, the bloc offered its “deepest condolences to the Palestinian people in resistance, with the testimony of the prisoner Kamal Abu Al-Waer, who unjustly spent in the prisons of the Zionist enemy, a witness to the oppression inflicted on Palestinian prisoners, whose cause deserves all the attention, solidarity and attention “.

He also offered “the brother of the Algerian people and the family of the Algerian militant, Mr. Lakhdar Bouregaa, who died a few days ago, with my deepest condolences and sympathy”, expressing their deep gratitude for their “tireless fight for their homeland and nation.”

Source: National Information Agency
