The team added: "Since social ties are of the utmost importance in older people, we added the requirement to bond with their age group.".
They considered that "Seniors will be allowed to gather with their peers in small settings such as movie theaters and restaurants, which are currently not allowed under national or local lockdown measures.".
The team wrote: "Until a treatment or vaccine is found, these age separation measures will help reduce the overall number of deaths.".
The researchers noted that this solution may be an alternative to the closure measures imposed by various countries, and economies are suffering large material losses.
Study author Shani Stern said: "In general, the model and these scenarios illustrate the importance of isolating a larger population".
ويتع: "Some types of communication will be returned to you, such as visiting the cinema or shopping, but it is clear that other types of communication will remain prohibited.".
The study, conducted by the University of Haifa in Israel, found that people who “communicate” with those who share the same age group may be much less likely to die from Corona.
The study researchers noted that “when people over 55 avoid mingling with young people, except those who live with them, expected deaths in Corona decrease by 54 to 62 percent.”
And they found that this percentage increases to 93 percent “if the elderly adhere to their age group and do not make new friends.”
“The idea is simply to restrict people from meeting people outside of their age groups,” the team said.
Previous studies have shown that the elderly are the most vulnerable to coronavirus infection, with a much higher death rate than any other age group.
The team in charge of the study said: “We are currently facing a harsh new reality that we need to find a way to deal with it. In this new world, social interactions are restricted and workplaces are closed, and people are closed. think twice before going to the store. “
The team added: “Since social ties are of utmost importance to older people, we added the requirement to bond with their age group.”
And they considered that this “would allow older people to meet their peers in confined environments such as cinemas and restaurants, which are currently not allowed under national or local closures.”
“Until a treatment or vaccine is found, these age separation measures will help reduce the overall number of deaths,” the team wrote.
The researchers noted that this solution may be an alternative to the closure measures imposed by various countries, and economies are suffering large material losses.
“Overall, the model and these scenarios demonstrate the importance of isolating an older population,” said study author Shani Stern.
He continued: “You will be returned to some types of communication, such as visiting the cinema or shopping, but it is clear that other types of communication will remain prohibited.”