China and Russia reveal why Biden didn’t congratulate him on winning the election


China said it would follow international custom in issuing a statement on the US elections, in which Biden seized enough states to win the presidential seat, but his Republican rival, incumbent President Donald Trump, did not recognize the results of the elections held on March 3. November and is filing legal appeals against him.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said that "We note that Mr. Biden declared his victory in the election and we understand that the results of the American elections will be decided in accordance with American law and American procedures.".

Wang added: "We have always believed that China and the United States should improve communication and dialogue between them, handle differences on the basis of mutual respect, expand the framework of cooperation on the basis of common interest, and establish the development of strong and stable bilateral relations."According to the cited agency "Reuters".

Relations between Beijing and Washington are going through the worst period in decades, due to various disputes that include aspects of technology, trade and even the issue of Hong Kong and the Corona virus, and Trump has imposed a package of sanctions on China.

For its part, the Kremlin said in a statement on Monday that Russian President Vladimir Putin "An official US election result is expected to congratulate the winner, which takes into account the current president’s announcement regarding the filing of legal challenges related to the voting process.".

Speaking to reporters on a conference call, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Moscow had seen fit to wait for official results before issuing a comment.

Peskov noted that Putin has repeatedly emphasized his willingness to work with any US leader, and that Russia hopes to enter into a dialogue with the new US administration and find a way to normalize relations.

Relations between Moscow and Washington deteriorated to their lowest levels in the post-Cold War era in 2014 when Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine, and Biden was then-US Vice President Barack Obama.

The president of Mexico refused to consider Biden president until some issues are resolved. Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said Saturday that "Too early" Congratulations to Joe Biden, who was declared by the US media to beat Donald Trump in the US presidential election.

Lobez Abrador told reporters: "We will wait for all legal cases to be resolved. We don’t want to be reckless".


China said it would follow international custom in issuing a statement on the US elections, in which Biden snatched enough states to win the presidential seat, but his Republican rival, incumbent President Donald Trump, did not recognize the results of the elections held on March 3. November and is filing legal appeals against him.

“We have noted that Mr. Biden has declared his victory in the elections and we understand that the results of the US elections will be approved in accordance with US law and procedures,” said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin.

Wang added: “We always believe that China and the United States should improve communication and dialogue with each other, manage differences on the basis of mutual respect, expand the cooperation framework on the basis of common interest, and establish a basis for the development of strong and stable bilateral relations, “according to Reuters. “.

Relations between Beijing and Washington are going through the worst period in decades, due to various disputes that include aspects of technology, trade and even the issue of Hong Kong and the Corona virus, and Trump has imposed a package of sanctions on China.

For its part, the Kremlin said in a statement on Monday that Russian President Vladimir Putin “is awaiting the issuance of an official result of the US elections to congratulate the winner, and that it takes into account the current president’s announcement about the presentation of legal challenges related to the voting process “.

Speaking to reporters on a conference call, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Moscow had seen fit to wait for official results before issuing a comment.

Peskov noted that Putin has repeatedly emphasized his willingness to work with any US leader, and that Russia hopes to enter into dialogue with the new US administration and find a way to normalize relations.

Relations between Moscow and Washington deteriorated to their lowest levels in the post-Cold War era in 2014 when Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine, and Biden was then-US Vice President Barack Obama.

The president of Mexico had refused to consider Biden as president until some issues were resolved, and the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, said Saturday that it is “too early” to congratulate Joe Biden, who announced his victory. about Donald Trump in the US presidential election.

“We will wait until all legal cases are resolved. We do not want to be reckless,” López Obrador told reporters.
