Waiting for implementing decrees or “booby traps” of the law?


The delegation of the Lebanese Student Families Association abroad left yesterday, empty-handed, its meeting with Representative Bahia Hariri on the imminent adoption of the “student dollar”. People who complained about the reluctance of the Governor of the Banque du Liban, Riad Salameh, to issue a circular to the banks to implement the law, were met with further procrastination and negligence under the pretext of accepting the implementation of the decrees of the law and exclude the issuance of such decrees under the interim government. “The issue is still being studied.” This is what deputy Hariri told the assembly delegation, indicating that she will meet with the governor “for these two days” to discuss the issue and “put them in the mood of the new.” This was also confirmed by sources from “Al-Akhbar” of Finance Minister Ghazi Wazni, after consulting with the governor, about the lack of guarantee of the possibility of issuing such decrees now and the need to wait for the new government. In another context, Hariri clarified that it was not she who launched a new form to count the number of students abroad, but that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was the owner of the idea, discarding the hypothesis of inflating the number of beneficiaries of the law, as if it were filled out by non-students.

People’s sources were not afraid of the fear of cheating with the law, especially since some people are quoting bankers as saying that banks cannot implement it, and even if it is implemented, there is no liquidity in foreign banks to pay. Therefore, “what the officials do here does not go beyond slogans, entertainment and time passes.
Association sources said that although people are “tired of giving and responding, they will not give up and they will not let anyone bet on their fatigue, so many months of efforts will be wasted to make the project a reality.” We will resort to a peaceful and civilized escalation as a sit-in in front of the institutions interested in implementing the law, within the circle of preservation of our dignity, since we do not want to refine the right of our children to education. According to the sources, “it is painful for our children to be treated in this way in their own country, while the universities abroad did not provide an opportunity for assistance, but rather offered it, since some not only extended the deadline for payment. fees, but went further to provide various facilities, including the possibility of obtaining scholarships, and reduce fees to a third Taking into account the circumstances experienced by the students.

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