China’s injuries lead Lebanon only two rows … and surprises with the PCR


“Al-Akhbar” wrote under the heading “Health” requiring private hospitals to open wards for those infected with the virus. The PCR trade: huge profits and falsification of results: “Just two ranks behind China, Lebanon is ranked 58th in the world in terms of record of ‘Coronavirus’ infections, with the total number of infected people exceeding 83,000 , more than 39,000 of them are active cases. Yesterday, 1080 injuries were recorded (1058 locals and 22 expatriates), out of 6565 examinations, and nine deaths were recorded in a growing context that has become “routine”, pointing out that the 1080 injuries are not a setback in the number of injuries, that reached almost 2000 injuries per day in the last days, As this “decrease” is due to the low number of laboratory tests (their rates in normal days exceed ten thousand explorations, while on Sundays their percentage decreases since many laboratories close its doors on weekends.

While European countries have started closure measures, Lebanon is not yet in this situation. At least, this was indicated yesterday by the statement from the Minister of the Interior and Municipalities, Muhammad Fahmy, when he denied the news that circulated on social networks about the total closure and curfew starting next Thursday, pointing out the need to adhere to the Procedures dictated by the Ministry or that will be issued later. Yesterday, the Interior Ministry announced the tightening of procedures and the realization of patrols to monitor the curfew, which was announced two days ago from nine at night to five in the morning.

Given the worsening of the injuries and the indication of the Minister of Health, Hamad Hassan, the day before yesterday, that “80% of the injured have no symptoms and move among us,” the importance of reducing the cost of PCR tests, which was set by the Ministry of Health at 150 thousand pounds, after these tests became a great source of profit for laboratory owners at the expense of their goal, which is to encourage the largest number of residents to perform them. In this context, the “supported review” initiative launched by the municipality of Ghobeiry on the sixth of last month is evident. And “because the cost of taking exams for a family of five is equivalent to the minimum wage,” according to Mayor Maan Khalil, “we have set a subsidized price for the exam at 90,000 Syrian pounds according to various health centers and laboratories. “. Khalil confirmed that this price is “fair and profitable for laboratories. The price of the exam is basically 25 dollars (40 thousand pounds according to the official exchange rate), and 20 thousand pounds can be added as operational cost and 20 thousand profits for the laboratory, and at the same time 60 thousand pounds are saved for those who want to take the exam. He highlighted that the municipality did not incur any expenses for the agreement, “and in less than a month we carried out 2,300 recognitions and received many non-residents in our municipal term, and we achieved a saving of people of about 160 million pounds … This is an experiment that can be generalized to the rest of the municipalities and at the national level, as the Ministry of Health can take similar measures to reduce costs, reduce the profits of laboratories and control the ambitions of their owners.
In addition, doubts about injury rates returned after dozens of reports emerged from people who had tested positive before repeating the test, and their results were negative. The Ministry of Health, which previously confirmed that the percentage of erroneous tests is within the “normal” margin of error, defined by 1% of the tests (for example, out of every ten thousand tests they can produce false results for 100 tests) , currently recognizes the existence of errors caused by some “laboratories – shops”. », Indicating that the most prominent confusion revolves around the recount of the case more than once“ as a consequence of the suspect having carried out the examination more than once ”, which is“ what makes it imperative to pay attention to these cases to avoid that the spirit of questioning the official figures is reinforced ”. Read the full article Press here.
