The works for “Hezbollah” … how will the bags and the government be distributed tomorrow? – Midline News


Under the title “The participation of the actions intensifies … Aoun wants to increase the ministers and work for Hezbollah”: “Will the government be born tomorrow, Monday or the following Tuesday?

Frequently asked question in Lebanese political halls. And all forces continue to point out the positive factors that will lead to the birth of the government.

Aounists to increase the number of ministers
However, the secret still controls the Baabda Palace and the positions of the Aounist movement alone. The movement renewed its position by rejecting the formation of a mini-government, even if it had 18 ministers, citing the capacity for specialization and its downfall in the event that a minister was assigned more than one portfolio. For this reason, the current president and the president of the Republic demand that the number of ministers be raised to at least twenty, while Hariri insists only on 18.

The Druze pretext
This head node slowed down the build path. Aoun’s calculations in this regard are identical to those of Hezbollah, mainly in regards to the blockade of the third and, secondly, in regards to the Druze party that will be deficient in a government of 18 ministers, because it will become in a single minister from Jumblatt’s side. The argument for this is that the statute status of the government has dropped after his complaint, and the Druze minister objected something and was absent from one of the sessions. This means that the government is governed by order of a minister, who represents an important component.

But Hezbollah does not interfere in the details. He told Hariri to fully understand the President of the Republic, after which he would start talking to him. In an indication that the party wants him to dissolve the contract with Aoun, so the birth of the government becomes quite easy, because it is easy to agree on the other details.

Data of minors and their leaks
Some data indicate that Hariri is still negotiating on the basis of a government of 18 ministers. The negotiations entered the stage of naming them based on 18, so that Hariri would present his training to the President of the Republic. It is up to him to accept or reject it, or to return to being a starting point for negotiations on its basis, Aoun being able to stipulate its expansion.
Hariri is in a rush to complete the deal, setting a record speed in the training process. Here, it should be noted that the Presidential Palace issues, after each meeting between Aoun and Hariri, a short statement, while the palace departments are working to leak news about Hariri not presenting a government formation. This is so that the presidency enjoys a wide margin of maneuver later, according to which the designated president did not offer a complete alignment to the president of the republic, but general ideas and formulas that are not definitive and incomplete.

Quota negotiations
And since the formation process entered the naming phase, this confirms that negotiations for portfolio distribution have advanced. But Aoun remains attached to the justice, interior and defense ministries, while the main negotiations focus on finding an agreement for the Energy Ministry. As for health, he will belong to the Progressive Socialist Party and contacts with the Marada movement. Regarding finances, the participation of the Amal movement and the education of the participation of the future. As for the works, they are required by Hezbollah.
Last week, the party appealed to the Ministry of Works, but many international positions opposed this step, after much astonishment at Hariri’s departure from the Interior Ministry. This led Hariri to be tough, considerate, and demanding jobs. But the party still insists on it.

Works and Hezbollah
In the event that Hezbollah obtains the Ministry of Works, the international vision of the government will be negative. This ministry is the supervisory authority over the port and the airport.
And after the American talk that was raised about Hezbollah’s role in such facilities, it means that the party has hit the wall with all that talk and did not care about the accusations made against it about the situation at the port and the airport. Most importantly, he has evaded the sanctions imposed on Minister Youssef Finanos, after being accused of facilitating Hezbollah’s work in these basic facilities.

Source: Lebanon 24
