Ministerial pole seeks to disrupt the initiative for the return of displaced persons


In his last televised speech, Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah did not address the ins and outs of government affairs, contenting himself with renewing the party’s position that it is open to, and supports, logical and realistic solutions that lead to the birth of the expected government. He stressed that the current financial, economic and social conditions of the country cannot be managed without a government and the continuation of an interim government, pointing out that the data it has on the formation of the government is good, without being too positive. He said, “We are positive and we will stay.”

There is no doubt that Sayyed Nasrallah’s words indicate that the contracts that prevent agreement between the interested parties regarding the expected formation of government are not with the “party”, but with others. Knowing that this positivity can be experienced by the interference of the United States in Lebanese internal affairs, through the declaration of the “American veto” on the attribution of the Ministry of Health to the party, which can push it to cling to it and not give it up.

The most dangerous and even more dangerous in the context of this interference in Lebanese affairs is what revealed private information that says: “A ministerial pole conveyed to Lebanese ministerial and political figures the wish of the US ambassador in Beirut, Dorothy Shea, from not responding to the Russian initiative aimed at solving the Syrian displacement crisis in Lebanon, and thus refraining from participating and attending the Russian conference for the return of Syrian refugees, to be held in Damascus from 11 to 12 November, Despite the sending of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Beirut, a delegation A senior Russian leader headed by the Russian President’s special envoy for Syrian affairs, Alexander Lavrentiev, invited the official Lebanon to participate in the aforementioned conference.

To satisfy the American master, it seems that this pole has turned a blind eye to all the repercussions of displacement in Lebanon and that it can no longer bear any more financial burdens, especially in light of the severe economic crisis that befell it. There is no doubt that the country can no longer bear the negative repercussions of this displacement, which generated losses that exceeded 40,000 million dollars, according to figures from the International Monetary Fund.

The question here is, will official Lebanon repeat the “sin of the year 2013”? When the General Secretariat of the Lebanese-Syrian High Council headed by its Secretary General Nasri Khoury sought to find an adequate solution to the crisis of Syrian displacement to Lebanon between 2013 and 2014, and established a timetable for the return of the displaced to Syria, and it contacted the official authorities in Lebanon and Syria, at the forefront of them. The presidents of the Lebanese Republic are General Michel Suleiman, and the government is Najib Mikati at that time, and in coordination with the Director General of Public Security, Major General Abbas Ibrahim. An agreement was reached that would lead to the formation of a joint Lebanese-Syrian committee, with the participation of the departments interested in the affairs of the displaced at the United Nations, to establish a phased program to initiate the return of the displaced. to your country.

However, after agreeing on the names of the committee members, the Lebanese side informed the “General Secretariat” that it could not issue the appropriate decision on the formation of this committee, and hoped to wait at that time. “The next date November 11 will show the extent of the sincerity of Lebanese politicians and their eagerness to return. Displaced Syrians have returned to their homes, and the matter depends on Lebanon’s official participation and active attendance at the aforementioned conference, be it or not … and if tomorrow your supervisor will do it soon.

Returning to the issue of government, so that discretion is the owner of the situation, despite this, the positive atmosphere that the CDS spoke about, and confirmed by the president of Parliament Nabih Berri, suggests that the two are the Amal Movement and the “party”, outside Controversies that prevent the formation of the government.

In this sense, a close reference to this “duo” praises the desire of the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, to form an inclusive government that does not exclude or undermine the representation of any of the Lebanese components represented in Parliament. Therefore, you can insist on your opinion, that the new government includes 20 ministers, in order to accommodate the representation of the bloc of parliamentarian Talal Arslan among its members. This is rejected by the president of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, who tries to monopolize the decision of the Druze community, and always according to the opinion of the referent.

It considers that the right of President Aoun is to adhere to the realization of an adequate Christian representation in the future government, and thus the president’s team will obtain 7 ministers, which Prime Minister Saad Hariri considers to have adhered to the third guarantor in his future government . And he still rejects this matter, for fear of repeating the experience of January 2011, the day his government constitutionally resigned, during his meeting with former US President Barack Obama, especially since the future government may continue indefinitely, according to the opinion of The reference.

And he concludes: “We have the opportunity for three decisive days. Either the expected government is formed, or we go towards escalation.”
