European Union monitors prisoner Maher Al-Akhras’ deteriorating health


The life of Palestinian prisoner Maher Al-Akhras is in danger (Facebook)

European Union spokesman Peter Stano said the European Union is closely monitoring the deteriorating health of prisoner Maher Al-Akhras, who has been on a hunger strike since July, in protest at his administrative detention without formal charges. .

“Regardless of the allegations made against Al-Akhras, the European Union reiterates its longstanding concerns about the widespread use of administrative detention by Israel. There are currently around 350 Palestinians in administrative detention, and detainees have the right to be informed of the charges behind it, “Stano said in a news release Saturday. Arrested and subjected to a fair trial. “
The European Union called on Israel to fully respect international humanitarian law, its obligations to human rights and to all prisoners, and to adhere to the Fourth Geneva Convention, and called for the health of prisoner Maher Al-Akhras to be preserved.
The prisoner from Al-Akhras continues his open hunger strike to reject his administrative detention for the 97th consecutive day, and the Supreme Occupation Court rejected, this Wednesday, a new petition presented by his lawyer to demand his release, and his transfer to a Palestinian hospital, which is the most recent request that was rejected despite the serious health situation it reached, and recommendations. Human rights organizations release him immediately.
On September 23, the court issued a decision to freeze his detention, which does not mean the end of his administrative detention, in an attempt to evade his strike, and on October 1, the court again rejected his request for immediate release, and also rejected a similar request over and over again. On October 12, the court presented a proposal that represented a new attempt to evade the strike, leaving the door open to the possibility of continuing his administrative detention and renewing it, and on October 25, after the intelligence decision of occupation of To overturn the decision to freeze his administrative detention, the court again issued a decision to freeze his detention, maintaining his detention in Israeli Kaplan Hospital.

Prisoner Maher Al-Akhras suffers from severe pain throughout his body, frequent cramps, loss of consciousness, difficulty moving, hearing and vision problems, as well as shortness of breath that has recently worsened.
On October 22, the International Committee of the Red Cross highlighted, in a statement, the seriousness of the state of health of the silent prisoner, and on October 23, Michael Link, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, called for their immediate release.
The captive al-Akhras (49 years old), from the city of Silat al-Dhahr in Jenin, is married, the father of six children, works in agriculture and has been arrested several times since 1989 and spent a total of four years in the occupation prisons separately, and he was arrested on July 27. He was transferred to administrative detention for a period of four months, and from the moment of his arrest he began an open hunger strike.
During the period of his strike, the occupation prison administration transferred him to various prisons, the first of which was in the “Hawara” detention center, then he was transferred to the cells of the “Ofer” prison, then to the “Ramla Clinic” prison after the deterioration of his health, and finally to the “Kaplan” Israeli hospital, where he has been held since the beginning of last September.
Two other prisoners, in addition to the silent prisoner, are continuing their hunger strike in the cells of the “Negev Desert” prison, in denial of their administrative detention, and they are Muhammad al-Zughayer and Basil al-Rimawi. Prisoner Mahmoud al-Saadi suspended his hunger strike, on Saturday, after an agreement that stipulated that the maximum limit of his administrative detention was determined for the current administrative order to be determined And its duration of five months is the last, highlighting that his health has deteriorated due to severe kidney problems, according to the Palestinian Prisoners Club.
