US Message to Hariri: This Ministry is Banned | Phalanges


Follow-up sources said Hariri informed the Shiite duo that a US letter had arrived, categorically refusing to keep the Health Ministry with Hezbollah.

Follow-up sources told Kuwaiti “Al-Anba” that Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri informed the Shiite duo that an American letter had reached him, categorically refusing to keep the Health Ministry with Hezbollah, as it is one of the important ministries that receive aid and sums of money in hard currency from international organizations, specifically the World Health Organization. To combat the Corona virus, and reports have reached Americans that the party, through a wide network of investors and merchants affiliated with it, benefits from these funds in various ways.

The communication sites indicated that the president-designate tends to present the name of Dr. Firas Al-Abyad, director of the Hariri Government University Hospital in Beirut, is the Minister of Health, due to his extensive experience in dealing with the Corona virus.

Sources believe that Hezbollah’s accession to the Ministry of Health is linked to the exclusivity of the Ministry of Finance for the two parties. And when this is approved in the formation of the government, he does not mind handing over any other ministry to a specialist he deems appropriate, outside the party.

It seems that there is something more complicated than agreeing on the size of the government and the distribution of its ministries, and that is the role of the International Monetary Fund that the new government must adhere to its difficult agenda, as it stipulates to increase the value added tax (TVA ), liberalize the exchange rate and reduce the size of the public sector. Control limits and raise the price of gasoline?

Source: Kuwait News
